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I’m 35 Tomorrow. So here’s 35 Things about “Me”

1) I am very passionate about Women and the Issues we face.

2) I don’t like rude people.

3) I love to connect, connection to another human is very important to me.

4) I value friendship and hold my friends very close and dear.

5) My gift is that i’m quick- quick thinker, quick talker, quick do’er.

6) My weakness is that i’m quick — quick thinker, quick talker, quick do’er.

7) I really love meeting passionate people.

8) I treat all people with respect until they give me a reason not too.

9) I worry about “things”.. Possibly too much.

10) I’m a deep thinker.

11)  I’m an advocate for same sex marriage.

12)  I’m forgetful.

13) I’m laxy dazy.. Go with the flow / I’m full on and like to tackle big things – Bit contradictory -I know!

14) I can sometimes come across as a bitch especially when i’m working on a project that I need done.

15) I love chatting with random people, people on the street, in shops .

16) I love different types of people. Suits, hippies, bikies, high flighers whatever.. Don’t care, as long as their “good people”

17) I’m drawn to people who are comfortable in their own skin.

18) I’m kind but if you get on the wrong side of me I’m not.

19)  My philosophy is Never EVER judge a book by it’s cover.

21) I love people that think of others.

22) I believe there are 300 sides to every story.

23) I believe in destiny.

24)  I love hearing people’s stories.  Everyone has one.

25) I am very intuition based. – I go with my gut everytime, it’s never wrong.

26) I love creating new friendships.

27) I love the I.M  Sisterhood.


29) I try to look for the good in all people.

30) I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

31) I love solving problems – So I.M is a perfect project for me.

32) You watch my back, I’ll watch yours.

33) I love anything new and shiny – I’m addicted to new.

34) There is no such thing as a coincidence.


Come on tell me 5 things about YOU!!


About the Author

Kristy Vallely is the founder and Creator of the Imperfect Mum.

Kristy believed there needed to be a place that women could go to. Where they could talk and relate. A place they could feel safe. A place they trusted. So The Imperfect Mum was born in June 2011. There was obviously such a need that when the gates 'opened' a huge flurry of women followed. Kristy has always been very passionate about women and the issues they face.

Her passion and determination has helped her carve out a career helping others and creating 'a go to place' for women from all around the world.

Posted in:  Life Lessons

24 Replies


1. I am surprised when strangers do nice things (which is a shame really)
2. I overthink EVERYTHING
3. I am a bit blog-mad although I wouldn't have the nerve to write one, I read a million of them and relate to them all
4. I am trying to be more understanding which people are noticing (which is nice)
5. I love this blog!!!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow =)

The Imperfect Mum

Thanks Katrina. I love learning more about all of you I.M's xx

Kelly De Vries

Awww, Happy Birthday for tomorrow Kristy! I hope this year is your best yet! :-)

5 about me? Umm...

1) I pray a lot
2) I'm trying to not be addicted to McDonalds :-)
3) I was recently told I am the most positive person this person had ever met - and that made me feel awesome!
4) I think 35 is young
5) I count it a huge privledge to be a part of the I.M sisterhood!!


The Imperfect Mum

Ohhh love you Kel! Xx

kirri white

1. I'm majorly introverted, unless I am on a dance floor!
2. I love green smoothies and chocolate :)
3. I have always found it exceptionally easy to love and forgive.
4. I hate it when people stop by without calling first and have been known to hide if I don't feel like having visitors.
5. Like you, I am very open minded, which sometimes lends to me being a bit of a 'fence-sitter'

The Imperfect Mum

Hey beautiful, Kirri no4 is sooooo me! Especially if your in your pj's and it's 3pm.. Ha ha xx

Alison Burns

Happy Birthday Kristy!! Hope you have a wonderful day xx

Five things about ME!!
1. I am addicted to chocolate
2. I have anxiety issues
3. I am addicted to crime t.v shows hehe (possibly I have an addictive personality as I find I become "addicted" to a lot of things)
4. I have one son who I love to the moon and back
5. I love your blog, and the bits of personality from you I see through your posts, makes me feel part of something larger!

The Imperfect Mum

Ohh Allison I loved reading that. Thank you xx

Ebony Mead

Gosh 5 things doesn't seem like many... why is it so hard to find 5 things about me... happy birthday by the way. Ok here goes...
1. I have an amazing 1 year old son, I got told I would never have and believed it.

2. My favorite food is ice cream... yes by far ice cream.

3. I have size 9-10 feet and will refuse to even try a shoe on if it looks "weird" in my size.. why do they always have a size 8 out on display? Every shoe (especially heels) looks good in a size 8.

4. I think I have an obsession with recipe books. Which is ok I guess I love cooking new things.

5. I am still finding it hard 1.5 years down the track from losing our house in the QLD floods. The only thing I am finding hard now after dealing with PTSD, AND and paranoid anxiety (what a mountain I feel I climbed, and god I am proud to have made the other side) is not having my pre-flood wardrobe and feel some day like an idiot for saying "I wish I had my clothes back" because I have clothes. But most important I have my little family and we are happy, healthy and safe and that is ALL that matters.


The Imperfect Mum

Ohhh Ebony! - I want your story - you have to write your story and I will share here. We all need to understand what you guys went through.. XX


1. Being a mother is my absolute favourite thing.

2. I am super daggily in love with my man and still smother him even though we have been together for over 3 years.

3. I love being snuggled in bed with my partner, son, puppy and rabbit - yes, a real rabbit!

4. Gardening is my meditation.

5. I wish I had to focus to dedicate more time to my studies.


The Imperfect Mum

Ohhh You have a RABBIT - I want a rabbit - they're so god damn cute.


Happy Birthday!!!!

1). I can't say no to anyone! But especially to my 3 little gems when the use their 'puppy eyes'.
2). I believe laughter is the best medicine. It is so good for the soul!
3). I am a romantic at heart. I love weddings, babies and everything where you can 'feel' the love. And I also have a lot of love to give to everyone.
4). I have anxiety and can have an attack at sometimes the most irrelevent things.
5). I love trying new things, no matter how scary they are.
6). I maybe care too much? I love to help people with their problems no matter who they are. I am a good listener though.

I could go on to 10 but I will stop there. Thanks so much for creating a judgement-free, open, caring sisterhood! I feel blessed to be part of it! Xx

The Imperfect Mum

Ok Taysha - we sound like Twins. TOTALLY!! - I related to all of your 5

Amber Airey

Happy Birthday.
1. Smile even when I don't feel like it.
2. My instincts are my best friends.
3. I eat way too much chocolate.
4. I find something to laugh about in most situations. Especially at myself.
5. I too believe everything happens for a reason.

:-) Amber

The Imperfect Mum

Oh, love your 5! - No1 and 4 are very me too.

Heidi Clark

Happy Birthday gorgeous! May the years ahead be filled with great things, and today filled with sunshine, surrounded by good friends your family, lots of wine and fun times :D xx
1. I am generous, overly so at times which can be to my detriment.
2. I love helping people, sometimes its more that I NEED to do it even at times when its something I don't necessarily want to do.
3. My creative streak seems to have escaped and is only found in my coooking... However if you are looking for a meal with fabulous presentation don't come to my house :D
4. I have been to hell and back and have the scars to prove it... But oftentimes there are many that are not even aware that those scars are there. I will not let the hell of my past hold me back from a fantastic future.
5. My son has been my biggest blessing. He lights up my life even when he's having an autism based bad day.

The Imperfect Mum

As you know, I love you Heidi and I hope to one day meet you in real life. I think you're a gem. xx

Ebony Meyn

Happy Birthday Kristy xx

5 things hey, hmmm.....
1) I adore my 2 kids because they are the most beautiful, cute and sweetest human beings in the world.

2) I struggle alot with being a single mum, working and trying to actually have my own life.

3) I have a habit of meeting younger girls (through work or friends) and taking them under my wing and mothering them to death.

4) I never hold a grudge (I'm too lazy and it's not worth it) unless you have done something really bad to hurt me, then I might hold one for a week.

5) I sooo LOVE McDonalds, Japanese food and True Blood.

The Imperfect Mum

Ohh Ebony, what a great insight into you. Thank you. My fav is no 3


Happy birthday, hope you have a fab day :))

1. I am a chatterbox, love conversation and am very social.
2. I truly believe life is what you make it to be, I love my country and am so proud, lucky to be Australian that when ever I hear the national antham I get goose bumps.
3. Some times I chatter too much to listen. Working on that one haha.
4. My son is my world and love making a world for him. He has made me the strong woman I am today.
5. Just love my friends to bits.


Hope you have a super fantastic Birthday X

hmmm ok...
why is this so difficult?

1. I love so much being the mum of 4 beautiful little boys....just wish I didn't struggle with it, its truley my greatest achievement.

2. I love and have all the time in the world for good honest people.

3. I wish I gave myself credit for the stegnth I have...I am my own worst enemy.

4. During my last pregnancy (Charlie is now 2) my husband had an affair, and left his family for a young silly girl, we lost the house we'd worked so hard to get, built with was..the most uncertain devestating timee of my life. But I made it through, my children made it through, and I was blessed with my beautiful charlie who I had spent the greater part of the 9 mths being so detached from, and almost wishing he wasn't there.
After much counseling and work my marrige is back together to. it can be done. we had the foundation to build on but not saying it wasn't hard!! so I guess, the thing I have discovered from it all was that I don't make black or white choice, I do lead from the heart, where there is many shades of grey...

5. I love babies!! I hate all the horrible injustices in the world, and nothing breaks my heart more than when i hear that some one has lost their precious baby.

Danielle 'Purcell' McTaggart

Happy Birthday!!

5 Things....hmmmm

1, I am terrified of turning 30 next year. :-)
2, I Love love love love love my beautiful little family
3, I have an extremely low tolerance for bulls**t
4, I have started a new business and am terrified of failing
5, I think I have the most beautiful Children in the world! lol (I think we are all guilty of that one)

Lou Dwan

Hope you have a fab birthday :)

I'm allergic to all things romantic.....I love checked, flannelette shirts.....a glass of wine in the bath with a good book is pretty close to my idea of perfection..... pigs are my favourite animal..... I am obsessed with eating coconut oil :)