Hi!!! Chasing opinions on a potential baby name please :) We love traditional names and have thought of Eleanor Ruby... just chasing ppls thoughts on it and/or if you have any other ideas? Thanks mummas :)
Hi!!! Chasing opinions on a potential baby name please :) We love traditional names and have thought of Eleanor Ruby... just chasing ppls thoughts on it and/or if you have any other ideas? Thanks mummas :)
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3 Replies
Sounds like Eleanor rigby the Beatles song
Agree with the above comment. If I heard Eleanor Ruby I'd assume you were talking about the song Eleanor Rigby but just said it wrong.
I like the name but I think people would associate it with the song a lot. If that doesn't bother you then go for it :)
I thought of the song as well.
They are both pretty names though and if your ok with it then go for it