Ok ladies, we've all seen the post on Facebook.. the one that insinuates that other mums might appear to have their shit together but they too are just a #hotmess !
I personally don't feel like i have my sh*t together but i think that juggling so may things, like we all do, can make it certainly appear to be that way... Kids: school, social , after school, daycare, sport and then theres us Parents: Work, social, family, study, sport, taxi-ing everywhere, cleaning, cooking, adulting, paying bills, food shopping, omg the list goes on!!
i think we all need to hear it every now and then... What has happened recently that makes you giggle...
I'll go first... The first two weeks of school back from holidays also meant swimming lessons. For both weeks, we had it down! lunches ready, breakfast eaten, shoes on, library bags packed, homework done, swimming gear all ready for that day... but then the last two days happened... He run out of jox! hahahaha i had to ask him to go without during swimming lessons so that he had something to wear after...
I told my friend and she replied with "Yep, we reused socks this week'
3 Replies
I cried all mothers day because i didnt feel like i deserved any of the gifts or to be celebrated.
Its not a funny story like yours but its my mother truth atm
Oh sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself. Whatever you are doing, you are doing your best with what you've got. Sounds like your family love you and appreciate you. Cut yourself some slack - we mums can be our own harshest critics. Hugs to you oo
My son and I both had a 2 week gastro! Haven't left the house in that entire time except to the doctors.
During that 2 weeks I think I had a herpes outbreak (waiting for tests from doctor).
But we have laughed, because this will pass and we might as well enjoy our favourite shows, movies and hanging out together even if we can't go anywhere or do anything.