Baby names


Baby names

Hi IM's. How do other mums to be deal with their other half not liking names you pick out and are rather relentless about a name you hate and already said no to. Mine is doing just this and it is doing my head in. He also a had this silly three syllables rule for the name making the choosing of the name that little bit harder. We aren't going to find out the sex of bub and have a kong list of girls names but getting stuck on a boys name. Can anyone think of three syllable boys names to help me out ?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Names

5 Replies


Don't get me started!!! My partner was a pain with boys names. A PAIN!!! My all time fave boys name he hated. I was upset for a bit but I got over it. We both had to be happy and we both found a name we loved. As for three syllable boys names, Jonathon, Ellliot, Sebastian, Benjamin, Donovan....just a few. Best of luck xx


Oliver, Harrison?

Danielle Russell

My Son's name is Solomon. It was the only boys name my ex and I agreed on before we found out he was a boy.


Oh no what a control freak, good luck to you with parenting if he is being so difficult BEFORE you have a baby!! It should be about *conpromise*, ie working together! Instead of you having to give in to His requirements & rules etc all the time.
My suggestion is to try hyphenated names... Taylor -James, or whatever ..


My baby boy was unnamed for 3 days because hubby and I couldn't agree on names. I asked for a list of his top 5 and picked my favourite 2 from the list and he told me which one he liked more and that's how we came up with our boy being called Joshua! It's a hard situation but you need to remember it's both your baby so both of you should and need to have input on a name. Good luck
