Early pregnancy confusion


Early pregnancy confusion

Hi lovely mums...

I had a positive home pregnancy test on Saturday afternoon. It was very faint, but I did another test hours later and the line was much more visible. The thing is though, going by my dates, I would have only been 6 or 7 DPO.

I took another test in the morning, this time a different test, and it was negative. Later in the day, I took a test again, and it was also negative. I tried an ovulation test after several hours as I've heard they can also detect HCG, and it was positive.

Tested again just now (8 or 9 DPO) and it was negative.

I am feeling really confused :( I've had 2 or 3 positive tests, over 2 different days, so that tells me that all signs are pointing pregancy in the very early stages - but the negative tests are messing with my head and I'm doubting myself.

I saw my GP and have had a blood test, so he will let me know tomorrow what the result is. I guess now I'm just feeling a bit anxious and very upset at the possibility of this not working out :(

I know I'm being ridiculous because it's so early. But I need to know. Has anyone else experienced this and turned out they were just testing too early?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


Take a deep breath. A positive is positive :) congrats. The reason you get negatives can be due to a dud test or hormones being too low. They say it's best to do it first wee in the morning and mid stream. But it's not posible to have a false positive. There was no need to test again. Do get the blood test just to get things on file and start your care plan but your deffiantly pregnant.


Fingers crossed for you, it could have been a chemical pregnancy though :)

I got my positives at 7dpo and they were very strong (even showed up on digitalis!). Generally they get stronger not weaker, but don’t stress yourself out x x


I got my blood results back.... the pregnancy isn't viable :(


I’m so sorry to hear this :( please surround yourself with people who can care for you and support you.
