Egg Donation


Egg Donation

Hi Ladies,
I am considering being a anonymous egg donor.
Those few people i have mentioned it too seem to be supportive and think its a great and selfless thing to do.

But nonetheless, haven't had personal experience. Can anyone help me with some guidance, personal stories or experience of what its like to be part of this process. From recipients, donors etc

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Pregnancy

3 Replies


I haven't but I came across this thought you may be interested.


I donated eggs 8 years ago which resulted in the most beautiful little girl. I am in contact with the family and get photos and videos all the time. My family all know about her but on their side nobody knows about me. She looks more like me than the children I carried do.

I have no regrets, knowing that I helped someone else have a family feels great.



I did it.
I like to think i helped them get a baby for christmas... (its not quite the same thing but it is in a kinda/ sorta way!)
