Has anybody successfully changed their childs surname, without the fathers permission?
I didn't even want to give my LO my ex's name, but we were together at time of the birth and he pushed me in to it. Guilted me. We have since split, and he has not seen our LO in over a year. (only 18mths old!) So i want to change the surname but he flat out refuses. So i would like to apply to the court to have it changed so that my LO has the same name as the rest of the family and isn't the odd one out. Has anyone succeeded in having this done? How did you go about it? Thanks
Changing babies surname
Changing babies surname
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Baby Names
2 Replies
No mine signed the form. However, I believe you can change the name thwy go by without changing it officially, even school will use your preferred name etc. If you can't this might be second best option
I've been curious about the same thing. My DS has never met his sperm donor, and I dare say he never will. I'd like to apply to the courts to change his name by claiming abandonment. However I'm actually quite scared about the whole process, I don't want to be made to look like a scorned ex trying to be trouble at the exes expense. I just wish he would man up and apply to have his rights as a parent taken away, since he clearly doesn't deserve them in the first place.