How do I bring more excitement into my life?


How do I bring more excitement into my life?

I'm a mother of two to miss 5 and miss 1.5. Happily married to a lovely man and have enough money to get by comfortably. I've just left my job to study full time this year and I'm finding myself so bored with life. Work had just enough drama to keep me sustained. My husband and I rarely argue (which I certainly can't complain about). I just want to know what things I can do to bring more excitement into my life (not drama). Obviously nothing destructive, I love my family more than anything I'm just bored to death with the mundanity of it all.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Self Care, Things to do and see

2 Replies


Start booking in some adventure activities. Like one month book in an abseiling day or something. Make a date to do some indoor rock climbing. Think about activities that would push your boundaries and do them!


Start a bucket list of things you've never done. Go to classes you've never been to (dance, pottery, tennis, craft, art etc) try them all out if you haven't already. Go to a random small town you've never been to and enjoy the scenery. Just do more things for the first time.
