Thoughts and experiences


Thoughts and experiences

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant straight after your period. Ive got two children, so this isnt something thats new to me, however my two were planned during the typical ovulation period. Hubby and myself arent trying for number 3 just yet and protection (condom) was used, however afterwards hubby noticed there was a hole/split (neither of us noticed it beforehand) and we've never had one this situation is out of the norm for us. Not due for my next period for another 9/10 days. But ive been experiencing cramping and i wouldnt consider that normal for me as i hardly ever get cramps. Its probably all in my head haha but was wondering what others have experienced.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

4 Replies


It can depend on when you ovulate. Some people ovulate earlier than others. Your ovulation patterns can change over time.

My sister is a doctor. She was very surprised when she got pregnant very early in her cycle. As she said, she knows it's possible but also low percentages.


I got pregnant 3 times the day my period finished..... anything is possible


I got pregnant from pre cum. If you have unprotected sex it's possible. And it became unprotected when the condom broke


My partner and I had unprotected sex the last day of my period.... I am now 22 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Lol! I guess some of those spermys hung around until ovulation. :)
So to answer your question, YES it is possible.
