Twins- 1000 questions, worries and more...


Twins- 1000 questions, worries and more...

Brace yourself.... this is a long one.

So. When hubby and I both were in a motel bathroom looking at a pregnancy test while i’m screaming at him that theres definetely a line... we weren’t expecting when we started TTC for twins to come up. We both don’t have twins in our family.

Anyway. After two positive pregnancy tests, when I was alone I was holding on to my belly and all I had going through my head was “twin girls, twin girls” I thought it was just wishful thinking....

Fast forward to today getting our dating USG to the lady pointing out out bub and its heart beat. I asked if there was just one... She said she will have a closer look and one heart beat was indeed two.... I proceeded to burst out in tears and smack my husband (in a omg! We are so screwed kind of way)

We had planned on one (ok, i’m sure that every multiple parent thought the same thing) and when i say plan... I mean cot/ stroller/ baby seat planned....

So perhaps its the shock of it all, but I find myself freaking out (while also wanting to slap my hubby because he is so damn happy about all of this) where i’m thinking about all the what if’s.
As well as how the heck i’ll survive it?! I’m only 7 weeks along and feel like the laziest person in the world hubby has been way too good to me (this will be his first bio), my chest hurts, i’m crying over nothing, I can’t drink hot coffee and I have zero energy. I still have 33 weeks to go?

Perhaps I just need some mum of twins to sort of tell me its not as daunting as i’m imagining? Or I don’t know maybe if another twin mummy has time to answer 1001 silly questions from a nervous wreck?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


First of all...congratulations!!! How exciting.

And secondly... That was me pregnant with a singleton! 😁 tired, lazy couldnt drink coffee, vomiting every 30 minutes or so.....
The first trimester is HARD in any pregnancy! Let yourself rest. Be lazy! Embrace it haha.
You will be ok. See an Obsetrician and talk about all your concerns and I'm sure they will be able to put your mind at ease.


Can I suggest something? I see so many videos of people trying to dress twins and them putting them both down beside each other constantly having to grab one of the twins as they get away...put one in the cot while you change the other! It will make it so much easier. Good luck and congratulations xD


Haha! THIS!! 👍
Like the video where the dad is trying to dress the triplets on the bed but has to keep stopping to grab the others before the crawl off the bed?
Those videos are so set up! Putting one in the cot or even just on the floor to crawl around and dressing one baby at a time would make so much more sense lol!!


Twins are a real blessing (my twin boys are now 28) Stop, breath, and enjoy your two miracles, you'll be fine :) :)    
