Hi I’m very early in pregnancy and have just gotten a kitten. (Before finding out) im now reading about toxoplasmosis and that when pregnant you shouldn’t be near cats especially kittens. It’s only me and my kids who are mostly at school/kinder and I’m now unsure what to do. I feel bad for this little kitten that wants cuddles and not sure whether to keep it
5 Replies
Do some more research, if it’s an indoor kitten it’s highly unlikely to occur. Much more common from vegetables than cats :)
It's very rare and the way you normally come into contact with toxoplasmosis is from their poo. Having a cat shouldn't be a problem just make sure someone else cleans out its litter box and make sure you maintain good hygiene practices (washing hands, vacuuming regularly and not allowing the kitten on tables or benchtops etc). Getting rid of him isn't necessary.
It was a stray so I’m not sure if that makes a difference but has a vet appointment in 2 days to get vaccinations, microchip etc. thank you for your replies I really want to keep it! But obviously don’t want to do damage to the baby
I remember reading years ago that most people are exposed as children and therefore immune by adulthood
A friend of mine is a vet nurse she said as long as you follow basic hygiene should be ok and it is more likely from old poo, so more likely to get it gardening if worried get someone else to do litter tray