I am on chemo atm and the doctors have told me I most likely won’t be able to have kids which is devastating as I’ve always dreamed of being a Mum.
I will make a recovery and everything looks great. The main problem is my sister in law. She likes to rub in my face she has 3 beautiful girls and is having another baby. She is always saying don’t you wish you could have this?
I’m not sure if she is aware how much this upsets me or if she is doing it on purpose. I’m not sure if I should say something to her or even what to say :( can anyone help ?
Ps I’m an quite young still in my 20’s and the family knows that I can’t have children, and I don’t begrudge my sister in law for her children either I love them to death
11 Replies
I cant think of any excuse /misunderstanding for that. I would tell your brother to talk to her about it. Having a third party know might embarrass her enough.
Oh that is nasty 😢
I'd straight up say "It upsets me when you say things like this, have a bit of sensitivity".
Slightly different scenario but when I was expecting my 3rd very unplanned baby, someone close to me had a miscarriage. I was very careful not to be insensitive and be empathetic (a trait it seems your sister in law lacks!)
Sending positive vibes your way, keep kicking ass in your recovery Xx
Does she know you can't have kids? If so, that is really rude. I would reply with, "Not if they're anything like yours!" Hahaaha.
Firstly I’m so sorry you are going through what you are going through,and big hugs to you!!!😘😘
But I can’t hold back,Straight up bitch....
How fucking dare she,I’m so angry for you,what a complete arsehole, no one in their right mind would say something so bloody insensitive,disgusting women!!!
I’ve had 2 miscarriages and 4 kids,I would never,I mean ever,even if you were my worst enemy say that to someone,especially to someone going through what you are,
It’s not ok at ALL!!!
I want karma to bite her big time!!!
All the best,xxx
She is just an awful person!!!
Totally agree!! In 10 years of trying to have babies I'm about to give birth to #2. When I found out I was pregnant, my first thought was a close acquaintance and her hubby. They are desperate for a baby and have started in the IVF journey but there is not much hope for success. To rub this into someone's face is incredibly horrific. She is a vile human being. Be straight up and call her out@
There are options such as egg donation, surrogacy etc so don’t rule it out. Also you never know because I have known people that have had chemo and thought they couldn’t have children to then fall pregnant. Hugs
Next time she says it m, I’d reply with “you know what, I’d love if I could have kids. I have always wanted to be a mum and it’s so hard to come to terms with the fact I can’t so if you could stop saying things like that, I’d appreciate it a lot”..
I am so sorry
I have tried to talk to her about it, she basically blanked me and said I’m just jealous.
I’m not jealous just very sad :( my bf tries so hard to stand up for me but she is just so mean I wanna cut her out of my life but I can’t do that cuz I’ll lose my little nieces
Sounds like she could be jealous of you and is trying to turn it around. I would stop spending time with her, she sounds horrible.
I have tried to talk to her about it, she basically blanked me and said I’m just jealous.
I’m not jealous just very sad :( my bf tries so hard to stand up for me but she is just so mean I wanna cut her out of my life but I can’t do that cuz I’ll lose my little nieces
She sounds very narcissistic, almost like she thrives off kicking people when they're down. No woman with an ounce of compassion and empathy would be do deliberately insensitive in this respect.
I think if losing your nieces is a possibility that is not an option to you, you may just have to accept that she's a bit of an arsehole. Just know that this says a lot about the kind of person she is. Your nieces probably need your influence because they're certainly not going to learn kindness, empathy and tact from their mum.
I'm sorry you're going through this 😢