Hi ladies,
I have a bit of a TMI question. My last period was on the 14/5/2018 and lasted three days as usual. I ovulated on the 29/05/2018 and on the 4/06, 5/06 and today 6/06 I have had light pink blood that is watery in appearance every time I wipe. At first I thought it was aunt flow turning up early which is unusual for me so I put a tampon in but when I removed it there was barely any blood on it so I didn't worry about putting another one in. Over the last few days there has sometimes been a few spots of light pink blood on my underwear but very rarely. The bleeding hasn't progressed to heavy enough to require a tampon and is usually only when I wipe. Even then it isn't every time I wipe. I'm now thinking it may be implantation bleeding and was wondering if anyone has experienced this and would be willing to share their stories about implantation bleeding, what it looked like, how long it lasted, when a pregnancy test will show a positive if it is implantation bleeding etc. I haven't yet done a pregnancy test but will be doing one in a few days. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
2 Replies
It certainly sounds like implantation to me, try and hold of until your AF date to test if you can as the result would be stronger. Sticky baby dust to you!
I don’t think any medical questions should be shared on this site unless it’s the absolutely last resort after going to doctors etc take a pregnancy test