Pregnant after a loss


Pregnant after a loss

Hi IMs

I just found out I am pregnant, very early. It has come as a complete surprise (but not as never used protection with my partner). I have a 5 year old and I lost my angel baby at 21 weeks gestation last year. If you have been through something similar, how have you coped? I can't stop stressing it will all happen again and I don't think I could cope if it did. I'm guessing I just need to hear some positive stories and some advice on how not to stress (if that's even possible)

Posted in:  Loss & Grief, Loss of a Child (My Story), Pregnancy

2 Replies

Lauren Warren

Firstly, Congratulations on your pregnancy. I know those words may not even feel right to hear at the moment but I really am so happy for you.

A pregnancy after a loss is quite the rollercoaster and I imagine is so different from one mumma to another..

For me, there were many moments that brought comfort along the way: Having some extra tests through my doctor (Harmony etc)
Every scan gave me growing confidence little by little.
When my rainbow baby passed the gestation that I lost my son it also gave me hope.

Give yourself permission to do all the things that you think will help you (and let go of things that won't). Meditation and natural therapies are a great way to help you relax and build the bond with your growing bub.

When my daughter (our rainbow baby) arrived there were underlying feelings of guilt and sadness because I didn't know how to feel. I had so much love and happiness with her that I only had the chance to because I miscarried my son.

Then after time I realised that I can have all of those feelings at once. I made the decision not to deprive myself of experiencing the joy my daughter brings me because my son was not given the same opportunity. Above all else, I am so grateful that we were given another chance.

He still is, and always will be an important and loved part of our family.

Your rainbow baby will never replace your angel baby. I am so sorry that you have experienced such a devastating loss.

Wishing you hope to find those moments of joy and comfort during your pregnancy and beyond.

Remember how strong you already are!
Lots of love to you xx


Thank you so much for your positive reply. It has given me hope.

I am taking day by day and taking extra precautions this time, my family is also making sure I don't over do it.

I am yet to have an ultrasound so that is freaking me out a little bit also.

I'm so sorry you have had to go through it as well. Nothing worse then leaving the hospital empty armed and just feeling empty
