Would love people’s opinions on private health maternity cover. I had my first child as a public patient. At the time that was fine being my first child and with a simple delivery. Second child is 3 years old and we went with private cover. We have since dropped our maternity cover but have decided that we would like one more baby. Is there are a way to get a private room without using maternity cover? We have private healthcare but the extra costs through Medibank just for maternity is an extra $120 per month. Is there a cheaper option avaialble? We are in WA.
Delivery would be an elective c-section due to complications with my previous labour. I feel that a private room would be more comfortable for the recovery plus having the space for my two younger children to spend time at the hospital too.
Would love to hear experiences for c-section births through the public system and through private.
5 Replies
I have private patient in public hospital for birth
So I’m more likely to get a private room, which I’ll need since from 7 months I’ll be in bed rest
Elective C section 110% private. You select your date early, my Ob stitched me up better than the public person did. Private room, large queen bed, partner allowed to stay.
Public you’re just another number but you form a close relationship with your OB in private
You can request a private room as a private patient going public but it is first in best dressed and depends. My SIL got a private room and went public all the way.. but there weren’t many births that weekend
Is that with the maternity cover on her insurance (but not used in her situation) or did she just have general private health minus the maternity cover? (I hope that doesn’t sound too confusing) Thanks :)
I suppose it depends how busy they are if you go public if you could get your own room. When I had my fourth I had him in a hospital where you usually had to share but I told my midwife that I had anxiety about having strangers in my room and I'd prefer to go home straight away over sharing a room, so they gave me a room on my own. I didn't say it just to get my own way though I really couldn't have dealt with sharing a room. Might be a bit more difficult after a cesarean though because you can't go straight home