Police raid


Police raid

Update to tricky situations...

A few weeks ago I wrote in about an experience with my ex husband and him having assaulted his teenage step son, who is now staying with us.
My ex regularly accuses my 14 year old son of having weed, and at that time, threw his things in the dirt looking for it.
He often says nonsensical things to me like he’s got dashcam footage of me smoking bongs whilst driving and leaves messages on my phone asking how much a gram is. I don’t smoke or supply.

2 days ago, we woke up to 6 police officers at the door with a warrant to search the premises for cannabis, with the allegations that I am cultivating and trafficking.
The four boys, my three and the stepson, were all made to get out of bed and our house was upended while these policemen looked for drugs that aren’t there.
My 14 year old son who has anxiety and depression, lost his cool and ended up in handcuffs and being taken away by an ambulance to hospital as he threatened to kill him self. He’s now ok and home, but he was absolutely terrified.
I am very upset about this, naturally and I suspect my ex husband is behind it.
The police wouldn’t tell me who informed them.

What I’m asking is, can I apply under freedom of information to fund out who lied to the police about us?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Aspergers & Autism

55 Replies



Yeah it just annoys me how quick she is to jump up and down about the police and wanting to have them made out as the bad people. When there just doing there job and have done no wrong. Would of taken a shit load of more then just the ex as a tip off to get them a warrant and have that amount of police presence. Hmmm I know of quiet a lot of people he has made known about his “plants”


Also, if her story were as she says, it would be a no brainer that her ex called.
But it’s murky, other shit going on for her to worry about who reported.
She’s worried and if she were squeaky clean, she would know it’s just her crazy ex.
This woman is so full of shit, from her last post to this, she clearly does not give a shit about those poor kids, it always about self preservation.
Leaving her kids there, when she herself was shaken, too two calls before she actually saved those kids.
Knows nothing about her abusive ex, yet let the cat out of bag when she said she knew where he bought his drugs (I deleted my comments so you can’t see it).
Everything she says is a lie.
A lot more came out but I deleted mine and her responses.


Yeah but it would take a shit load more then her ex to get the 6 officers there on a warrant. Yeah all 3 of them are as bad as each other really.
I missed the last post and couldn’t find it sadly. Yeah she is a bit like that. Honestly the kids would be better if in care.
Ah dam, I know a lot of it due to being social media friends and having mutual friends.


Scroll down a bit, it’s still there....heading tricky situations.....


Ah right yep got it now.
No way in hell would you leave your child in a situation like that. How can one not see his drunk by his actions or even smell the booze on him. What complete bull
