Fast food


Fast food

Hey IMs,
I have a problem with eating junk.
Something that use to be once a fortnight has turned into an everyday thing and it's like I can simply not stop.
I have a toddler who I can cook healthy meals for and even if I eat what I cook I still have the intense craving for fast food.
I do have autism so I have always been the 'picky eater' and alot of food textures/tastes/smells can easily turn me off but I can not keep living off bad foods as I have the past months.
Any healthy and simple recipes? Any ideas on breaking this habbit?

Posted in:  Food, Health & Wellbeing, Aspergers & Autism

2 Replies


For me, I need to get onto a plan. Once i start, I find Im way less inclined to undo the good work by grabbing maccas. And then when i have my cheat day, maybe saturday to look forward to any meal i want, i dont choose maccas anyway, id rather a curry or thai. But for the plan to work, the whole thing needs to be planned out, bought, made, so i know what im doing, because time is not my friend, one hiccup and Im grabbing takeaway if Ive got nothing else easier up my sleeve.


Fast food is full of sugar and sugar is addictive. You likely have a sugar addiction. Google it. It's real and a bugger to wean yourself off.
