Handing out resumes- help please


Handing out resumes- help please

I’ve been on the job hunt for a while. Applied for jobs to no success. I’ve now printed out some resumes and cover letters. I would like to go around to different places handling them out in hopes I can get something. What are some tips? What should I say? All advice and info appreciated. Thankyou

Posted in:  Life Lessons, IM's In Business, Money

1 Replies


I'm a retail manager, I wholeheartedly encourage people to pop in to my store if they're looking for employment!

Unfortunately we don't accept physical copies of resumes just because we're legally obligated to hold them for 6 months (which makes storing them a nightmare) and because recruitment isn't really done that way anymore. Most major businesses operate similarly these days so keep that in mind.

If we're hiring in my business, I'll explain to you the best way to apply which is usually online via the careers section on our website, I'll have a little chat with you etc. If I'm impressed, I'll make a note of your name to pass onto my area manager so they can keep an eye out for your resume. Then hopefully you'll be invited for an interview!
Even if we aren't hiring I'm still happy to chat, there's a good chance I'll know which other businesses in the vicinity are hiring or one of our other stores may even be hiring.

Confidence is key! Come in with a smile, introduce yourself, have a little script prepared if you're prone to being a bit nervous but keep it to the point as well.

Dress appropriately! I've had people come in to drop resumes off in their daggiest trackies and thongs. Appearances shouldn't matter but they do, you could be the best sales assistant ever but I'm not gonna take you seriously if you look like you've just rolled out of the house wearing whatever. Dressing purposefully also sets you apart from the people who are just out cold canvassing because centrelink has told them to.

Pick your moment! Avoid coming in on the weekend or mid afternoons, most businesses are at their busiest during those times so you'll probably leave feeling blown off if you go in during peak hours. Early/mid morning earlier in the week works much better in your favour. Even then give it a bit of a scope out first and just pop back in 20 mins if it looks a bit crazy lol.

Best of luck on your job hunt and good on you for putting yourself out there 😊
