


Hello IMs, I am in a pretty tricky situation with no solutions but I thought I would post here to maybe help others appreciate what they have. I am a single mum of 2 young children with special needs. I have emergency support only, at times. I have several debilitating health conditions, one that is looking like it could be fatal if I don't get the help I need. I do not qualify for any social services and I do not have any adults in my inner circle. I am seeing a good psychologist to help get me through this and am living moment by moment but it is very isolating and the abandonment from friends and family is very hurtful. I have learned so much since become chronically ill - living in the moment, enjoying the simple things, being grateful for anything you do have, trying to take care of myself and showing kindness to others but the stigma with being a sick single parent is totally horrible! So, I would just like you all to take a moment and appreciate the fact that you can get out and about if you choose, that you don't have to spend hours just trying to achieve one simple thing with your children and not spending every minute implementing intervention strategies, that you have friends and family support, that you can be well enough to enjoy your children and live life! :)

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories

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