
I'm so angry. I'm raging in side. I feel so undervalued. So hurt. So silenced. I have all these emotions coming out of me from no where. I left my daughters dad 9 years ago this week. Due to DV. I was pregnant and he moved on as soon as I left. Yes there was intervention orders. And at the time I...
To all the ladies who asked for an update. I think I am ready to talk about it now, for those of your that remember my post. For those that don't here is a link. Questions: EDIT: Court in 7 days I got to court feeling it would be better not being alive right now than having all this Adrenlin and...
Ccb i cant get it but mum friends have without working. So i am a solo 24 7 mum to a bub. I have other solo mums too getting ccb without working I try fill out online and obviously doing something wrong as i get messages saying i am not eligable but why lol I am struggling. Burnt out and need some...
Every single minute of every day is a living hell. It’s mentally exhaustingly excruciating. I HATE him! He lives on cloud nine. - life with a narcissist
Hi ladies. My kids who are 10 and 12 have started to not want to visit their dad on the weekends. He has been abusive yelling in the past and drinks a lot. He is threatening me with lawyers now because they don’t want to go. I don’t force them but I give them the choice. I don’t want to give them...
Hi sisterhood. I’m helping to organise a baby shower. A couple of the women attending are undergoing IVF. One in particular has had a very long, arduous journey. I am after ideas of games we could play as a group, that are inclusive / sensitive to the needs of others. Perhaps not with so much focus...
Mumma’s, How do I get over the debilitating trauma that my sister slept with my long term partner?
Hello my beautiful mums. I wrote in a year ago desperately seeking support... My daughter who was 9 years old at the time has disclosed sexual abuse. It's now been 14 months since disclosure. This isn't a question but a post to share some of my story. To warn other mothers and hopefully get some...
I have breast milk and I'm not pregnant. Nor have a baby. I have an 8 year old Bit of a back ground. I have Endometriosis. I was with a man and he wanted a child, to he didnt. So did I. We tired and I fell pregnant. I so wanted another child. And knowing I have Endometriosis I knew it would be a...
I'm currently seperated from my husband. He says he desperately wants to get back with me and I have been half considering it lately, however today I had a friend suggestion on fb and it's one of his ex gfs, fb said we had a mutual friend and it is my husband. The back story is he worked with this...