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My almost 12 has decided that he doesn't need his puffer preventative. He's chronic. So many hospital stays in his life time, one time he needed to be incubated. Last year was his last bad bout of asthma, when he has the flue. A few days of no puffer and his mild symptoms kick in. I know when he's...
Does your Primary school still have camps whereby students stay over night? Our school has abolished them all together. Is that the norm these days?
I am literally an afterthought to my family, not one ounce of extra effort has gone into making my mother's day or 40th birthday anything special. My husband couldn't even organise a mothers day card from the kids, no mothers day gifts, no birthday card, no present, nothing. When I try to...
Help! One of my 7 year old twins still sucks his thumb and no matter what I try I just can’t seem to get him to stop. He also uses a minky blanket as a comfort every night so possibly a sensory thing?
Anyone hear a PT or anything similar? What foods should I be eating and what exercises should I be doing to get rid of belly and bum? Are there foods that might work better for metabolism etc? Taking any tips!! Thanks xx
How the heck do we make friends as middle aged women? I’m 40. I wish I had just 1 friend! I’ve been talking to another school mum every now and then. She’s pretty cool. I really would love to be proper friends with her but I don’t know how to make it happen? (Omg, I know it sounds stupid). Do I ask...
I’m pretty sure I have type 2 diabetes unfortunately. What is the process of diagnosis? Ask the doctor for a blood test? If it comes back positive, do they prescribe me anything? Do they organise nutritionist or anything? Or is it all on me to organise? Really ashamed of myself. I need to get this...
Hi Lovely Mums. I'm after some firsthand experience. I have always thought about getting some breast implants and now I am finished with babies & breastfeeding I feel like it's time, if I'm ever going to. This is for me, my confidence & being able to actually fill out swimmers & bras...
Hi all, I am half way through chemotherapy for cancer treatment. I have lost all my hair and before cancer I was working . Now only my husband still works and his income is average but he now has to support me too so I'm not entitled to any medical top ups from centrelink. We don't have P.H.I. I...
My daughter has told me she would like to do her year 10 at TAFE, rather than high school. I had never thought about her leaving school, I've always wanted her to stay until year 12 and go to university (if that's what she wanted to do). She is extremely bright and mature for her age and went into...