
Anon Imperfect Mum
Mr 13 is refusing to go to school. Please help. It's been going on 3 months of inconsistency of him attending school for a day or two, then refusing to go to the remaining. Last week he went twice, this week nothing. I feel I have done all that I can think of; - Sat down with him and to figure out...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Is it considered normal or acceptable for parents to send their children's teachers a Facebook friend request (after the year has finished)?. I would love to stay connected to my child's teacher, but not sure if tracking them down on Facebook and sending them a friend request is good etiquette. Do...
I was just walking out of the mall today when a strange man came over to my trolley and asked my kids for a high 5 and how they were , we were just about to the car so I didn't stop but he followed us and asked again . I said please leave us alone and put the kids in the car, how do I tell them...
Anon Imperfect Mum
So i started my 3 nearly 4 year old daughter at a early learning child centre its also a before school after school care shes been there 9 days and within those nine days shes had sand thrown at her and been pushed around by the after school kids... then i witnessed one of the teachers at the...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm in two minds whether to send my daughter to school when she turns 5 in early Feb 2019 or wait another year. She's very social and academically where she needs to be but i know emotionally coping is most important. Is being 18 when u start year 12 a negative or not? Any advice would be...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Has anyone gone/returned to uni in their late 40's and successfully found employment when they gratuated? The reason I ask, is that it seems so many uni grads are struggling to find jobs in their chosen field these days and I am wondering if it would be a waste of time committing to a 3 year degree...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IM's, How often do mums talk to their child's primary school teacher about their child's progress? I will generally go in once a term (usually mid term) as well as the two designated teacher/parent interviews a year. I used to check in more often, but have become reluctant as I am always met...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My son is 6 ( in august) in kindergarten nsw. So the first grade of school. He is not progressing with his writing can't sit still and is very bored in class he has all sight words and sounds and is reading on level 6 . I have spoken to the school on repeating kindy. They think he will b ok to move...
Anon Imperfect Mum
This afternoon I was picking my son up from day care, All the kids were outside playing and he spotted me walking in and was excited to see me, My son met me at the gate and a teacher (who is not my sons teacher, the teacher is from another group that were outside at the time) was holding another...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi all, I need your help with making a decision. Im currently enrolled at uni to study midwifery. Due to personal matters I had to stop during the first year of study. Im due to come back next year but the uni I'm currently on is too far away from home and it's becoming impossible for me to attend...