
Money Questions

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Anon Imperfect Mum
I’ve just recently discovered that my engagement ring isn’t what I thought/was told it was. I was told it was 18K gold with 15 solitaire diamonds and cost 4.5k. It is 18K gold, but when I was cleaning out the cupboard the other day, I found the payment plan paperwork for it, and it said total cost...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Ladies, please don’t judge. But I need some serious advice as I really plan on trying my absolute hardest this year! I am 41 years old, not a cent in savings, and making next to no income as I’m only fresh back at work due to raising my kids. I don’t know how to control my spendings? I don’t know...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm stuck in a financial rut, has anyone gone bankrupt, done a debt agreement or Informal debt agreement? Can anyone offer any advice on which one Is better long term?

Money Blog Posts

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This was written by Anonomous Imperfect Mum wishing to share her story. "Ive been reading a lot about how people are struggling financially at the moment (not just on here in life in general) I thought I should share how and why my husband and I live debt free". How we do it: This isn’t to preach, or to tell people how things should be done, but more of an enlightenment as to how we, a family of...
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