Blog Posts
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 14/09/2013 - 19:01.
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. A bit of a hard question to put into words. Lately I’m feeling like i’m now just “his wife” and “her mother” – I’m feeling like I’ve lost who I used to be. I used to be a fairly social independant woman and now I feel as though I have somehow been robbed of my independance. I have an 8 month old...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Sat, 14/09/2013 - 18:43.
Legal Questions: This also includes advice on how to get custody, how to get Child support Payments, How to change Surnames of children etc. These type questions would best be answered by a lawyer / Solicitor.For legal questions, try here! Medical Questions: If you have a health concern please make an appointment with your doctor. We don't mind if you ask for comforting advice (after you've seen...
Submitted by Kelly De Vries on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 13:37.
This is a FAQ directory. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. Feel like I’ve lost myself in being a mum Breastfeeding in public – is it appropriate? Can I remove the father from the Birth Certificate? Circumsision Child keeps swearing What are your opinions on vaccinations? Toilet training going backwards Wanting to work from home What to do with a 1...
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 13:16.
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. I am just curious – is it inappropriate to sit on a chair outside a shop or in a park /restaurant etc and feed bubs? I generally go to the bathroom and latch him then cover up and walk back to my seat. He is only 2 weeks old so im new to feeding but feels like ppl are staring (mostly looking...
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