Blog Posts
Submitted by Anon Imperfect Mum on Sat, 14/09/2013 - 19:01.
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. A bit of a hard question to put into words. Lately I’m feeling like i’m now just “his wife” and “her mother” – I’m feeling like I’ve lost who I used to be. I used to be a fairly social independant woman and now I feel as though I have somehow been robbed of my independance. I have an 8 month old...
Submitted by Kelly De Vries on Fri, 30/08/2013 - 13:27.
Sometimes we mums are our own worst enemy… I’m beating myself up at the moment, without any help from anyone else! (So talented right?) *rolls eyes* I was catching up with a couple of beautiful mums this morning – we had a bunch of kids between us all who were happily playing in the playground while we spoke. One of the children came up to her mum, with the usual “I’m hungry” complaint, and the...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Wed, 28/08/2013 - 15:20.
There has been many discussions on I.M about beauty, women feeling like they are not beautiful. Women feeling like they’re not enough. And, this worries me. So, what makes you beautiful? Aesthetically you may rate as as 4 or a 10? Who knows? And yes I would be lying if I said that aesthetics don’t come into play. They do. However, I have seen really aesthetically pleasing people that are just not...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Mon, 27/05/2013 - 13:53.
How often do you look after you ? – Yes, the person reading this! – YOU! Do you ever think about how you would like to spend your time? Are you over scheduling yourself? Is everything you do for others? Do you spend any time alone? If you have answered ‘yes’ to 3 of these questions – You need to make a change! If you have answered ‘yes’ to all of these questions, drop what you're doing and make a...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Wed, 22/05/2013 - 16:23.
How loud is your self hate voice? Really think about that! – As parents we know that we need to fill our kids heads with words of affirmations and try to give them as much praise as possible so they can grow into successful humans. We know that right? Well, what about us? How often do you hear that little voice in your head putting you down saying things like: “Well you really stuffed that up" "...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Wed, 15/05/2013 - 15:46.
1. Turn your inner voice up Turn it up REAL LOUD! Listen to your own thoughts and your own feeling on matters. Dull the chattering voices, you don’t need to look to others to hear what have to say. It’s time to start looking within. The voice is there, it may be quiet, you just need to practice listening to it, this may take time, but honestly practice listening, it will get louder the more you...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Thu, 02/05/2013 - 15:33.
And not to mention the fact that we can sometimes lose ourselves as we are FOREVER putting other peoples needs before our own. In order to be a great mum, you must look after yourself, your marriage and your life.
Submitted by Guest Poster on Mon, 27/08/2012 - 03:40.
One of our fellow I.M’s sent this to me yesterday, I think you can really read into this post. I would have to agree with what Kristin is saying. It’s what I believe to be so true. We are from all different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs this is a very beautiful thing. Love is what I endeavor to foster, that is why we have a code of conduct and that is why our community is so strong. Words...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Thu, 28/06/2012 - 03:39.
Since writing my article about not coping with life , I have tried to make things a little more ok, by doing things a little differently. I realised one of my BIGGEST issue’s was stress. I am still struggling with it today, but I’m working on some changes here they are . 1. Make your home a peaceful environment Having “stuff” everywhere is EXTREMLY overwhelming it clouds your mind which makes it...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Tue, 15/05/2012 - 06:38.
I have had this question going through my mind over and over and over. Should I share? Should I keep this to myself? I have many friends/colleagues/ business associates that read my blog so would it be silly of me to share such private information? I then went on question myself. Well is that being completely honest? Or is it half a truth? Is it half a story? I thought further, I delved deeper...
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