i am scared of my partner.

Anon Imperfect Mum

i am scared of my partner.

So my partner never helps with our daughter at all. She just woke up crying and he said he would settle her. (Which has never happened before!)
I told him what to do and to please not pick her up otherwise she would be a nightmare to get back go sleep....
anyway while i was cooking dinner i was listening in and he was talking to her and she was laughing but i didn't say anything i just let him go for it.... within 10 minutes she was screaming because she was so over tired.
I just left him so it could finally deal with her for once.... after while she still wasnt settling so i went in there to find the light on her out of the bed screaming in his arms....
He had given her panadol l because she was obviously "sick" which of course she wasn't he just didnit want to deal with her.

i gave him a look of disgust and he waited till i put down my daughter till he pushed me to the ground and ripped my hair for judging him. He left the door but came baxk for his phone and smacked my head while i was holding her.
What do i do? I really want to leave but how? He knoes where my parents live and i dont know what to do about the house we're renting now. What about all my daughter's stuff? I hate being in this situation.
I have never been so scared.

Im laying in bed with my daughter now
He is watching tv in the other door. And im sorry if this doesnt make sense and everything is misspelled

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1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Gosh you poor thing, I do hope you left him. If he can do that to you from a dirty look, imagine what will come later.
