i am scared of my partner.

Anon Imperfect Mum

i am scared of my partner.

So my partner never helps with our daughter at all. She just woke up crying and he said he would settle her. (Which has never happened before!)
I told him what to do and to please not pick her up otherwise she would be a nightmare to get back go sleep....
anyway while i was cooking dinner i was listening in and he was talking to her and she was laughing but i didn't say anything i just let him go for it.... within 10 minutes she was screaming because she was so over tired.
I just left him so it could finally deal with her for once.... after while she still wasnt settling so i went in there to find the light on her out of the bed screaming in his arms....
He had given her panadol l because she was obviously "sick" which of course she wasn't he just didnit want to deal with her.

i gave him a look of disgust and he waited till i put down my daughter till he pushed me to the ground and ripped my hair for judging him. He left the door but came baxk for his phone and smacked my head while i was holding her.
What do i do? I really want to leave but how? He knoes where my parents live and i dont know what to do about the house we're renting now. What about all my daughter's stuff? I hate being in this situation.
I have never been so scared.

Im laying in bed with my daughter now
He is watching tv in the other door. And im sorry if this doesnt make sense and everything is misspelled

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Money, FAQ

13 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Call your mum and dad to come over. Stay in your room. When they get there, pack up a bag of your clothes, baby clothes, your handbag, carkeys, documents and leave with them.

I will advise you to then go to police station and report. Or call police as well as your parents initially.

Go to your parents place and take it from there.

Forget your rent. Your stuff, it all works itself out, that's your fear scaring you not to make a move, but you need to make this move. For yourself and for that baby, I hope you do it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is hard but you can do it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ring or text your parents to come get you now. Things can be replaced or collected tomorrow with the police.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to call your parents to come and get you straight away. Please put yourself and your daughter first right now, your lives are most important. Forget your belongings, your rent, you need to get out. Go straight to the police station with your parents. They will protect you. You will be safe and so will your daughter. Get yourself out now before things get any worse, you don't have to live your life this way! Be strong and brave enough to walk away for your own sake and for your daughters sake. I did it for myself and for my kids and I have never looked back. The first step is the hardest and scariest but I PROMISE you will be OK. Sending you a giant hug! xxx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Call your parents, pack some stuff for over night make sure you grab all your documents if poss, when my mil left hubbys father he was so angry he burnt my hubby's birth certificates. Go to cops and get an dvo make sure you put your parents address and your daughters name on it. That way if he turns up there you call the cops and he is arrested.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was in a situation where I had to leave suddenly. This stuff is just stuff. The rental will be fine. Leave and contact the real estate agent to say you want your name off the lease. It was what I did. Report him to the police and when you go to centrelink you will be eligible for an emergency payment and it's easier to claim single parent pension

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please let us know when you are safe, we are all hoping you get to your parents

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you ladies. Your kind words got me through the night.

Thankfully one of out neighbour's called the police and I'm now staying at my parents.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you for letting us know. Did the police give you numbers for DV support services?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Very glad to hear you're safe xx

Roxanne Rowe

I'm so glad the police were called? Did they file for an AVO? Make sure you tell them the entire storing, that you've written on here, panadol included. He should not have custody of your child alone. I'd say most of us have had times where we've really struggled to settle our kids and decided to use panadol (just in case they are sick), but this guy had it ALL wrong! Maybe his mother should supervise with care. Teach him a thing or two. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you're safe now

Anon Imperfect Mum

You are able to leave and get out of your rental agreement due to domestic violence. You should contact your shelter they have advocates their who help with absolutely everythjng and give you such helpful advice and have the connections. You should not leave without speaking to a professional in domestic violence and who can help make a safety plan. X

I know because I am going through this now. Your not alone.x?

Kelly De Vries

Kelly here - from The Imperfect Mum team. 

I have just posted your question on facebook ahead of the line, but I'm so happy to now read your update that you are out. Thank you for letting us know! 

Please keep us updated - how are you now? Any other advice for those who are going throgh similar situations? 

Big hugs - for you and your baby! xKelly 
