Boobie milk or not?


Boobie milk or not?

Hi all

Background: had my first Bub 5 days ago and have struggled with the whole idea of breastfeeding from the get go. It is/was painful straightaway. I had a meeting with a lactation consultant who (obviously) recommended I persevere with the feeding - we're topping up with formula. She checked bub's attachment and said it was fantastic and I had nothing wrong with my nipples but I just had sensitive nipple and that's why it was so painful - pumping doesn't hurt at all so I don't mind doing it. I don't enjoy breastfeeding, I feel nauseous when I feed her and it doesn't just feel natural to me however I'm struggling to cut the 'breastfeeding' (pumping) out all together and going to formula only. I guess I feel like I'm double handling everything with expressed milk and formula to top up. I went my my GP today (crying the entire time like a crazy person) and they pretty much encouraged me to continue saying it would get better. But I just keep thinking, I just don't like it.

I guess what I'm looking for is whether anyone feels like this (please tell me I'm normal) and how you made the decision to cut all ties with boobie milk? Or am I just taking the easy road without considering the consequences on Bub?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

14 Replies


I breast fed for 3 Months I hated most of it. My advice is stop breastfeeding. If your not enjoying it and feeling sick doing it any benefit from breastfeeding is lost. It has to be good for the baby and the mother. You have a right to do with your body what you wish. It's your body


I assure you, it really, really does get easier! The problem is, that many people aren't upfront about how painful it can truly be in those first few weeks. At the end of the day, though, just make your decision and feel no guilt about it. It's your business and nobody elses.


Breast feeding is painful no.way to sugar coat it especially at the beginning. Once your supply does settle in you will find it gets better youll also find your nipples do become less sensitive once you get used to it. But at the end of the day if its making you so upset its not the end of the world if you stop breastfeeding. Take all the advice you can get and then make an informed decision on whats best for you and your child. I was critisised for putting my youngest on formular early on he was only 3 weeks old but i had no milk supply no matter what i did and at the end of the day iam not about to let my child starve.


I had so many problems the first few weeks of breastfeeding. Cracked nipples, too much milk, then not enough milk. Mastitis. Etc.
I went from breast, to pumping, back to breast. I tried supplementing with formula because my in laws were basically telling me I was starving my child.
I was so effing exhausted.
The best thing I did was to get actual advice from ABA and make a decision that was best for myself and my son. So I gave breastfeeding another go, properly this time.
I stopped listening to the 'advice', stopped topping up with formula, and stopped pumping.
It took me a week to teach my son to latch properly again as he was use to bottles by this point, but he was then breastfed until around 13 months when he self weaned. And I honestly miss it.
But that was the best decision for myself and my son.
Call the Australian breastfeeding association hotline, or just check out the website. Find all your facts about the benefits of breastfeeding and the benefits of formula (in this case, happy mum - which is just as important as happy baby!)
And then decide what's best for you both.


These days they have created such great formulas that there is almost no need to breastfeed. A lot of woman don't even try and skip straight to formula and end up still with happy healthy babies!! I tried everything to be able to breast feed my little one. Had mastitis was on antibiotics and had to get ultrasound treatment to try and help then one night I just wasn't producing anuthing. I cried all night and even when I went with my aunt to pick out my sons first ever formula.

His 4 now and he is perfectly fine! As much as people may say breastfeeding is a natural thing, it's not every bodies thing.

You just sacrificed your body for 9 months to create your child, I think your body deserves to rest ? There is nothing at all to feel bad about :)


It's completely up to you. One thing I learned is noone will ever say you're suffering, you should go to formula.
They just won't.
You have to make that call. Once you do, they respect it, but it's your call. Sometimes breastfeeding does just suck for some people.
If I was you I would express and feed, you should be able to not really need formula because I understand the double handling frustration, even if you can pump and feed a few months, it's all beneficial to your baby - you just have to decide what works for YOU as well.

Another option is to formula feed and just breastfeed twice a day or pump and feed, it's completely up to you, do whatever works.


I couldn't do it. I tried but it hurt like a mofo (no joke, I had a really shit labour and still thought breast feeding was worse) and my baby was losing weight fast. From 3 weeks I changed to 100% formula fed and they are now 18 years old and ridiculously healthy. Don't be pushed into doing something you don't want to do by people who actually have no business pushing you to do what you don't want to do. Everyone has an opinion and their own agenda for pushing you one way or the other, but honestly as long as you feed the kid they will be fine. Not missing out, not going to get sick, just going to get fed...


BOTTLE FEED!!! Happy mummy, happy baby!! Do what is right for YOU!! Don't let then lactation consultants guilt you into making you do something your heart isn't in


The first 2 weeks of breastfeeding is painful yes. But then after that if you dont have sensitive nipples it shouldn't be. If there is pain you should have the baby checked for a tongue and lip tie.
I breastfed my son until he was 2. So i am very pro breastfeeding HOWEVER
If you are not comfortable, if you are stressed because of it, if you are upset because of it. Then stop! Because although they say "breast is best" the more important saying is "happy mum happy bub" if you are constantly stressed then bub will be. If you are relaxed then so is bub!


I have had 2 children and one on the way. I can't breastfeed. I've tried. I went back what feels like 50 times with bth baby's to see what the hell I was doing wrong. No one could tell me. I expressed both for 6 weeks and then I gave them formula. I've never been a fan of it, I can see all the positives and gave it a good go. Sometimes it's not for everyone and it's ok. It's ok to do what you can do. If you don't feel like it's going to work out, then do what you need to do. It's ok!


I had trouble from the get go.. Two days after birth (child starving) and then the lactation nurse told me I had Mammary hypoplasia, (also known as insufficient glandular tissue or IGT, is a very uncommon condition that can cause low or no milk production. Women with mammary hypoplasia simply did not develop proper mammary tissue during adolescence, but their breasts may be small or large). Funny enough my mum had the same issue but no one had told her. I preserved (nurse asked why I even bothered..?) to try and breastfed as well as line fed.. (Attached a long thin tube so my child could get bottle and breast at the same time). It was also very painful at the start... Cracked bleeding nipples.. I found olive oil on a breast pad and directly on the nipple not only soothed the pain but also quickly healed.
Any who.. I tried to do both and it was quite exhausting especially when he was a 2 hour feeder. In the end he got lazy and I just switched straight over to the bottle no problem.
I guess what I am trying to say... That everyone has their own experiences with breast feeding.. And what matters in the end is your child being healthy and happy. There is nothing wrong with being bottle fed.. So many baby's are. I was one. They have all the nutritional content that your Bub needs.
As a mum all you can do is the best you can...
"Happy mum... Happy Bub"!
Don't let mainstream media sway your decision. Good Luck!!


Hugs to you mumma!! Day 5 blame the tears on the baby blues. You're not crazy. Bf is great bonding with your babe. But if its making you down its just not worth it. Try for another week maybe, then swap to formula if you still feel like this! Good luck


It is really hard but it does get easier.
And to be honest that seems to be true of each stage of parenting. I was in tears having a breakdown about 4 weeks in because my nipples were so sore and I felt completely overwhelmed. But a call to the ABA hotline and the support of my partner definitely helped me through that stage.
I persisted and went through to13 months.
Ended up loving it and was sad when it was time to wean.
But at the end of the day do what's right for you.
One thing I will say is it's sooo much easier to just pull out a boob and feed then organising formula, bottles etc and constantly sterilising everything.
Best of luck with whatever you decide.


While I breast feed all my 4 kids through various problems (only had one that feed well...) What everyone wants is healthy baby AND HEALTHY MUMMY! No one ever had their child taken away for making sure they were nourished, bottle or breast. Only you can make the decision that works best for your family.
At the end of the day, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. Do what is right for you and your baby.
