im in a situation, we just moved to be close to my husbands dad and his dads GF and her kids about 4 months ago, 3 weeks ago our miss4 came to us and told us that the girlfriends son 9 had been "fiddeling" with her she even said that she felt horrible, we approached the mother and all she could do was roll her eyes and walked of, did i also mention i work with the woman in her local business, for the last 3 weeks we have copped emotional abuse, phone calls and text msgs from her because she is so hurt that this has happened and its basically all our fault and because i let miss 3 run around home on the odd occasion like when its raining to play out side in her nickers that she practically deserves it if anything happened,( this 9 yo walked in on my 25 yo friend in the shower a few months back and had the hide to say "nice Tits" to her he was also sitting on the lounge about 8 weeks ago 2 seats away from one of his family members and he pulled his bits out and started having a tug) my father in law who has only been with with her for to years won't even talk to us over all of this because they re all so hurt and upset (because we have been oh so happy about everything and coping fine NOT) he even came in to work screaming in my face (his nose was touching my nose) because he is going to lose everything and i should not even be talking to my 1 friend that i have in a new town where we have no other family or friends, i feel trapped and can't handle any more of it all it has all gotten to me and I've been having horrid panic attacks i have anxiety and have for years but all of this on top is not helping., i can't seam to see what we have done wrong here, my husband has never had anything to do with his mum and he is a mess because he doesn't want to lose his dad too, his dad and i were basically best mates before all this has happened, now I'm torn and hurt over this whole lot I'm at a point were i could take my daughter and walk away from everything as i can't handle any more of this but i love my husband i just doth no what to do….. please help
Messy Situation….HELP
Messy Situation….HELP
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4 Replies
They don't support your daughter and theyre screaming at you, quit that job and stay away from them. Move if it makes you happy.
People so strange things, it's really not your problem, your daughter is your priority.
Move away.
The 9 yr old sounds like a big worry though - have you tried calling Bravehearts for advice?
I get that kids 'experiment' and can be curious but put together with everything else you've said this sounds way mor than that! This little boy needs help. And you need to protect your girl from these toxic people, I'd be moving even if hubby won't.
Your priority is your daughter. Her physical and mental health rely on you to keep her safe and this family is not safe. Tell your husband you're not having anything to do with these family members until they treat you with respect and keep your daughter away from the 9 year old - well away from as he doesn't come to your place, she doesn't go there and they don't go to the same school etc, and get her counselling. If that means the authorities know what the 9 year old did all the better, he sounds like his mother is an idiot with her head buried in the sand and he needs to be on the radar! Next time you're screamed at take out an AVO.