My dd is 2 years old and was using the toilet/potty on her own for about 2 months and then she got sick. Now she is back peeing and pooing everywhere. She knows she's doing the wrong thing because she will take me to it and say "that's naughty"! What do I do?? I take her when I see the signs and she is taking her undies/ pull up off. I'm lost ?
1 Replies
If you want to get her on track you are going to have to supervise her 24/7 for awhile. That means she isn't allowed in a room that you aren't in. As soon as you see her show signs take her to the toilet and give her a prize for going on the toilet.
You've got to make it worth her while to go. You have to catch her everytime she needs to go. It won't be for ever, just until she gets to the point where she is excited to go to the toilet again.
You've got to get the prize right though. What is she really excited by?