Hi Sisterhood!
I'm a massage therapist with #3 on the way, the older two will both be in school next year and I'd love to be able to keep working without putting baby in care.
So currently I run my own mobile massage business and I'm thinking I'd love to take a stay home parent friendly approach for next year.
My thoughts are a group of 3-4 friends get together at one persons house for the day (after school drop off) and each friend can get their massage while the other 2-3 watch the kids.
I'd love feedback from you all both good and bad, possible things I haven't thought of etc. Is this a service you'd use?
5 Replies
Im just thinking if theres 3 or 4 friends and a 45 minutes massage each, that means i have to be out and committed for over 3 or 4 hours to get my massage which is actually more babysitting time than massage time which i wouldnt dig and really couldnt commit to. And organising that timeframe between 3 mums may never happen. Its hard enough to organise just myself to get one.
What if you get a babysitter, and set up in the park for the day and mums come to you and pay the babysitter $10 too.
Good thinking!
I'm not sure how many people would wanna get a massage in the park though hehee. But great point with too many and it ends up being more of a baby sitting deal
yes good point! Was trying to think of something positive instead of being miss negative. Theres definitely a gap there to be filled. What about guided mummy massage circles or partners? I dunno ill stop! Good luck!
Haha! It's fine. I did ask for feedback. I need the bad as much as the good to make a decision! Thanks heaps!
It's not something I'd want to do. If I'm having a massage I don't want to hear a bunch of kids in the other room and I don't want to then have to look after someone else's kid. All sounds counter intuitive to me.