Hey there, so I will try and keep this relatively short. I am really really keen to have another baby. I already have one little girl who is currently 18 months.
When pregnant with my first I have hypermesis gravidarium until I was about 5 months pregnant. Then it eased right off. I had a long labour. 2 days of active labour, they were putting the epidural in to go give me a csection and I had her naturally - which was a relief. However I lost a litre of blood after having her, and they decided to not bother giving me a transfusion - so I felt fragile and really awful for at least the first 4 months despite having all the vitamins and correct diet.
When I had little miss, I put on a lot of weight after having her (not sure if it was breastfeeding). I went straight back down to Pre baby weight then whacked on 15 kgs. I have since after a lot of hard work lost it. And then the breastfeeding problems, mastitis 3 times, attachment issues in the beginning (so severely cracked nipples - child health nurse almost cried with me and said "they are literally the worst cracked nipples I have ever seen.") I got to 6 months and threw in the towel because I was just over the mastitis. So to add on top of that I got quite depressed. My husband is awesome and would help wherever he could around work, and would always give me a break to sleep etc...
But seriously I felt like I had to fight so much to just do normal things. Like don't get me wrong, I know some people have it way worse but it was a long time of one thing after another and really didn't get to enjoy those first 6 months.
I survived though! And my little one survived and is a sassy, funny little thing who I adore.
My issue is... I realllllly want another but I am expecting the worst. I am really worried it'll be hard again and harder because I'll have another little one to try and look after whilst I could potentially have all of this other stuff going on again. People have said to me every pregnancy is different, but still makes me worry..
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