Toddler night time potty training

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toddler night time potty training

Do any of you lovely parents have advice for how to night time potty train your toddler?
My boy is 2 years and 2 months and has been daytime potty trained for about a year. We did elimination communication from infancy so he is very used to using both potty and toilet and barely ever has accidents. He still uses nappies for sleeping in both day and night time and doesn't wake if he is wet.
Last night we tried wearing no nappy to bed for the first time. I put him on the potty before he went to bed (7.30pm) and then again when I went to bed (9.30pm ish) and then he wet the bed another 3 times in the night! It was a terrible sleep for us but at least he is now feeling when he is wet.
Anyone got any tips and tricks? How did you night train your toddler? Looking forward to a better night sleep for us all!

EDIT: He is refusing to wear nappies to bed and asks for jocks. That is the reason I felt he is ready (I am not forcing it upon him).

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Honestly they do it on there own. Night time dryness is dependent on a hormone being present and that can come anywhere from now until about 8 years old. They are either dry at night or they aren't.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You can't make/train a very young child to stay dry during the night. It's related to their hormones. Just keep using nappies until he is ready.
He may not be ready until he's 7. Every child is different.
No point stressing over it

Anon Imperfect Mum

OP here - I should add that he is now refusing to wear nappies to bed and wants to wear jocks! Just to point out that I am not forcing this upon him but he is making the choice. That is what makes me think he is ready.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If he was ready he would be automatically waking up to go to the toilet on his own, or he'd be having some dry nights.
Lots of kids refuse to wear nappies at some point without having any skills or readiness.
Maybe you could compromise with jocks under the nappy!

Anon Imperfect Mum

The whole taking off the nappy/jocks is a phase they all go through. It's not an indication of "I'm ready to not wear them anymore ".
Try pull-ups if he is still wetting himself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would say the night time pull ups that let them
Feel wet when they go so that he can learn to wake but without the messy bed and pj's ! If he still refuses those then bed pads ! Kmart have some in their ages care section pretty cheap or if you have the money you can get brolly sheets . It makes middle of the night changes hassle free (just change their pants and the bed pad ) and saves your mattress ! I use them for my 3yo :) as others have said they really aren't usually ready until a bit older .. BUT you could try getting him up before you go to bed to empty his bladder !? Limit fluids an hour before bed and make sure he goes to the toilet before getting in bed himself . Otherwise let him try and if a few accidents in a row offer pull ups again until he can wake up to go to the toilet ! Good luck though
