The one that's needed?


The one that's needed?

Are my partner and I weird. Or are we what people call in sync.

It's a long story but I split with my ex almost 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure I was checked out a long time before that. No cheating or infidelity was involved on my behalf. Although we had sex we weren't really happy. I have a high sex drive. We argued all the time. Neither of us could do right by the other. Didn't matter if I cooked or cleaned, weather he had food that he liked cooked for him or available and ready to be cooked by him. The bills were always paid first and we had everything we could need. Except a lot of extra money. However I didn't get respect, I was always crying always scared and all ways walking on eggshells when he was home. I couldnt have friends and if I did manage to make a friend he would drive them away. I'm very thankful for my girls in waiting who were there to help me pick up the pieces when I finally walked away. I took a bit of time and worked on myself and my self worth and here I find myself.

I'm the girlfriend of a wonderful man, with 3 kids from a pretty crappy previous relationship. This man is my match it's crazy at how well suited we are to each other. He plays with the kids, cooks, does washing, dishes, (can clean ?) but my biggest thing is that we don't argue. We've been together 18 months and never had a single argument. We talk about everything. If one of us is having a hard time we talk it out. If one of us is annoyed at the other for something we talk it though. We don't worry about the little stuff and joke around and have plenty of fun. We're both have friends that we get to see. However neither of us wants to spend a lot of time away from the other so we limit our friend/social life so that we get plenty of us time. We only get to see each other 2-3 nights a week so it's understandable that we want to be able to be with each other, we involve the kids in a lot of our lives when we are together and he plays with them individually and all together they all dote on him and my youngest has formed quite the bond, she's going to be her daddies x 2 little girl. We still don't live together but we are currently happy with the way it works for us. One day we'll all be together under the same roof permanently. Is there anyone else out there who just doesn't argue with their partners? Or are we just 2 weird people who have managed to find the one we needed?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Sisterhood Stories

4 Replies


No your not weird at all. You are laying a great foundation for the future. My hubby and I have been married nearly 10 years and been together for 12. I could probably count on 1 hand the amount of fights we have had in that time even in the tough times. We were only just talking the other day that even after all these years and all the bullshit we havr been through together we still talk about everything, still make each other laugh and still flirt with each other. Good luck with the future i truly hope it works for you


We've been together over 20 years without fighting. I thought nothing of it until experiencing the awkwardness of being around other couples when they're carrying on and I've never really understood what made us so different, just figured I was a catch haha!


I've been with my partner just over six years. We've had disagreements that have been discussed but never a fight. No yelling has ever happened.
We both came from completely different marriages. Lots of fighting and lots of yelling.
It's sooooooo nice. I'll keep him ?


When you hear so many horror stories, people complaining about partners, or have been in a shitty relationship its easy to question whether a good thing is really a good thing.
My partner and I of 3 years are the same. I've found that being able to communicate openly and safely means things are dealt with so no arguments happen. Sure, we have disagreements every so often but we respect each other's right to an opinion. We live together now, and he has a son who he shares care with. I think this is how relationships should be and it sets a great example for the mini people in our lives. Just enjoy, trust and keep communicating.
