Hey girls,
i have my own blog and i feel like this huge failure in blogging. I Just expect people to read and comment and such but in my eyes i feel like i fail at being a blogger. how do i stop this feeling?
Hey girls,
i have my own blog and i feel like this huge failure in blogging. I Just expect people to read and comment and such but in my eyes i feel like i fail at being a blogger. how do i stop this feeling?
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7 Replies
Its like writing a book. Not every book is going to be popular. Authors keep writing books, because they enjoy writing books. Not every movie made is going to be successful, but people keep making them because that's what they enjoy. Not every actor is going to get through auditions, but they keep turning up because that's there passion. My mum keeps painting (art) for herself, it's what she does, she had only made $5000 in 20 years.
Personally if you are going to blog you've got to blog for YOU, not so people can read it. If you find blogging cathartic then who cares who reads it. If you are doing it to get readers then you are in it for the wrong reason. The market is hugely saturated, and only a few will be popular.
It isn't Facebook, where every bob and harry like it coz that's all they know to do. Liking something doesn't actually mean you get it, or are passionate about it, or even care sometimes. It's just a button.
Maybe take a different turn, does your description about you come off too strong? What is it that you are blogging about? What audience are you looking for? Who do you want to appeal too? Is your writing going to attract them? Maybe you care to much about responses, maybe you could add questions or offer a way people could add their opinion?
I have felt the same but i see that people read them, they may not comment but that is ok. My issue is i find it hard to find the time to blog.
What is your blog address?
Mine is The Bloglovin Mum
Work on yourself, to explore why you are having this needy & self-negative feeling. Today many ppl are too narcissistic, wanting to focus on their lives & thoughts & doings, & wanting/needing to share this with the whole world & receive interest from as many as possible - however it can be a vicious cycle because then you are waiting/hoping/needing other ppl to validate you.
Why do you 'have' to blog, if it's not giving you joy.
Give it up & just get on with life & do something more fulfilling & preferably more meaningful (contributing) to society.
What is your blog name?
People tend to read blogs that are witty, humerous, and they can relate to. The piece of writing is generally based around a point they are making. Reading a blog thats set out like a "dear diary" account, isn't going to attract people's attention.
Have a read of some of the more popular blogs and take note of their style of writing. Like Constance Hall, and The Young Mummy or any popular blogger.
At the end of the day though, if you enjoy blogging and you have something to say, then go ahead and say it and don't get sucked in by the level of popularity. All the best