Breast Augmentation


Breast Augmentation

Hi Girls. Breast augmentation. I've made the decision to get my boobs done. Its something I have wanted to do for ages, as I'm pretty flat chested. I'm 36 with no kids, single and loving life apart from my lack of boob-age. I currently live in Cairns and have looked into a couple of Plastic Surgeons both local and afar. I'd love to hear your story (good or bad)! Surgeon recommendation ect. I'm also interested in your recovery, any tips and anything you may think is helpful in this whole process from the planning right through to the end result. Thanks ladies!!

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories

3 Replies


Look up the cosmetic institute. I had mine done in the Sydney clinic but I'm sure they have one in Brisbane too. If you're planning on having kids wait till after because mine are a bit saggy. Recovery wise, every one is so different. I only needed pain killers the day after yet friends needed them for a week. I went for a walk the 3rd day, the only thing I found hard was not being able to move properly. You feel like you're gonna rip your boobs apart. I was back at work 5 days after (on my feet all day) and a friend needed 2 weeks off.


Just something to think about, but can you afford to have a boob job every 10 years?
You're meant to get them replaced every 10 years (12-15 at the absolute most), or you risk a rupture.


No that's not the case at all. The reason they say you Might need to get them done every 10-15 years is because your body changes and the boobs you have when youre 20 might not be the ones you want when you're 35. Plus gravity for the bigger breasted won't be your friend. But if you have no issues you might not ever have to redo them.
