What's everyones receptions (sa) reading level? My son's still on 1 and every other kid is 2-5... makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. He reads back pretty well and follows along. How do teaches decide when they go up levels?
Edit: I can see it's effecting him. He looks at the other boxes sadly
5 Replies
You aren't doing anything wrong. There is huge variances in learning and speed ability at this age. The teacher looks at various things, fluency, accuracy etc. if you are concerned please speak to the class teacher so they can explain.
My son is an adult now, but my nephew took a long time to get past level one, his sister is on year 1 readers in reception. Same parents, just different kids with very different abilities and maturity at that age.
However my nephew has shown huge talent in science and maths.
My son has home reading he was finding the level he was on extremly easy. I spoke to his teacher and she tested him turns out he went up 2 levels. If your finding your childs reading is too easy then ask the teacher to check
If you want to push him, read lots and practice the sight words every day. But hes in reception. Nothings wrong. Some kids get it, some already had it especially if they did a kindy program that already covered phonics. It clicks with them all the difference is when. Theres no point forcing it before hes ready. If you think youre not practicing often enough try small amounts daily. Ask the teacher for strategies. Give him time to try to get words by himself. Lots oftime start with those sight words and give lots of praise and encouragement for trying.
My daughter is in prep (I think that's Tassie equivalent of reception) she's on 1-2s. Reading hasn't come as naturally as her older siblings but that's OK! I always hear mums saying "oh mines already reading 15s, we make him read novels and we have 47 reading apps" It isn't a race lol. Honestly they will learn at their own pace, the standard they're expected to reach by the end of this year is level 5, some kids will exceed that, some will just make it.
Learning to read is a process, once they gain a little confidence and momentum it's like turning on a switch and it just gets easier.
I'd focus more on his enjoyment of reading, ensure it's always a positive experience, laugh and have fun whilst reading. Don't put too much pressure on yourselves, he'll get there I promise ?
My mum is an ESO (education support officer) in Adelaide.
If you feel he is really struggling, ask if they have a program similar to Rainbow Reading. It's to help kids struggling with reading. Not sure if they usual use it for reception kids, but speak to the teacher and possibly the ESOs about how to support his reading.
They often use other things to help kids with reading and spelling. Reading Eggs (iPad/iPhone) is popular. If the school use it, you can get a code so you don't have to pay to download the app. There will be other things too.