HI lovely ladies,
I am a 3rd year nursing student (with 2 young children) and due to graduate at the end of the year. I am getting stressed about getting a job or graduate position after i graduate and am hearing more and more horror stories about being a nurse.
I was wondering if any of you lovely imperfect mum who are nurses or know nurses can answer any of the below 2 questions;
1. What are your tips for applying for and interviewing for graduate/nursing positions? What things should i cover in my resume and cover letter and what kind of questions are asked in interviews?
2. Please share any positive experiences or aspects of being a nurse - i need to hear some good stories about nurse life!!
TIA =)
1 Replies
I'm studying aged care at the moment with the hopes of going in to nursing in the next few years so I can't give an aspect of what it is actually like to be a nurse but Each time I hear horror stories and negativity I just try to remind myself why I chose this path to begin with, I want to help people. I'm guessing that's what appealed to you also. Being in the health care industry is so vitally important and being a nurse you have the potential to have a positive impact on many people. I know when I've been in hospital, scared and unwell a kind caring nurse makes so much difference, probably more than you'll ever know. Sure its far from a glamorous job but I expect it will be very rewarding too. Good luck and I bet you'll make a wonderful nurse xx