Will this postpartum depression/anxiety stop?!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Will this postpartum depression/anxiety stop?!

Hi I.Ms
I just gave birth 8 weeks ago and tried for this baby for many years. However I have severe PPD/PPA and have feelings of not wanting my baby. I get neasous when she cries and have panic attacks every morning. I feel like I could just pack a bag and leave her with my mother! What kind of mother thinks like that?!?!
Will i ever get over this postpartum depression and find the love for my baby that I so desperately want to feel?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes, but you need to seek proper help! Visit your maternal health nurse, your GP, anyone. Have some counselling and look at ways to work through it mumma :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to see a GP and get a mental health plan. Do you have family or friends that can support you?
You need to talk about it and you need lots of love and support to get through it.
Find a mothers group if you dont have one, the support is amazing and knowing you arent alone will help.
