My 10 year old is falling behind at school. Her teacher said its nothing to be worried about but i cant help it. Ive always thought she struggled a bit more then most other kids, but this is the first time her school report has shown that.
She is happy at home and school so i think it is just academically she is struggling not emotionally.
Should i be worried? Is there things i should be doing to try and help her?
Should i tell her that she is falling behind? (She may not fight as much to a bit of extra homework if she knows why)
Or should i just leave it be. I dont want to worry or pressure her at a young age, but i also dont want her to think life is easy peasy without putting in hard work.
Opinions please
2 Replies
I do school work, like maths and English with my son all the time, help teach him a musical instrument and he isn't behind at all (ahead in most subjects), I just enjoy it. So I would definitely be doing stuff at home, but don't make it like you are behind, we need to do this, just lets do this together. You can buy targeting maths books, naplan books, then you know what they are doing in that year level and assist with the right stuff. I would also chat to the teacher and see where she is struggling and work on that. You can test spelling words, timetables in the car on the way to school. I've always had the view that school is only a part of education, with increasing class sizes, I wouldn't solely trust a teacher only to educate my child, but I may be a bit of control freak lol
Which part of academics is she struggling with? Is it writing? Maths? Does it take her a long time to complete the work. Speak to her class teacher for examples.
Is she one of the younger kids in the class?
I'd start with doing basic things like getting eyes tested.
Don't tell her she is falling behind. There is far more to life than academics..
You could look into some tutoring from a tutoring service. But I'd keep it low key.