sick of washing sheets

Anon Imperfect Mum

sick of washing sheets

help with toileting please

my daughter is 2 and a half and is fully toilet trained in the day time.. she was waking up dry for a few weeks about 4 months ago so we decided to take the night time nappy off and she was really good for about a month and now she wets the bed every night.. i have tried putting a nappy back on her but she wakes up and takes the nappy off, gets back into bed and wets her bed and then gets into bed with her sibling..i have also tried rewards if she stays dry. and i also limit water at night

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

9 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Many kids aren't actually capable of staying dry at that age, the month of doing OK was probably just coincidence. So rewards/punishments won't work.

I would really persist with nappies or drynites PJ pants, you may need to get up a few times a night to put it back on just until she's used to wearing them again.
The other option is getting her up every few hours to go to the toilet, though that's not particularly practical or you could try one of those musical toilet pottys in her room!

Good luck!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like she's just not ready...I would just put nappies back on at night and try again in a few months.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd say stick with the nappy or pull up style nappy.
My eldest who is 4 and a half has been day time trained since she was 2 but has only been night time dry since just before her 4th birthday. My youngest is 3 and also was day time trained at 2, so well over a year and she still wears a nappy to bed every night I wouldn't even think about taking it off her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Put nappies on. Its not a race. Five year olds still have accidents. I wouldnt be doing this to myself just yet.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Back in a nappy. I also used to leave a pull-up next to the bed so my son could change himself in the night. It took me a couple of nights of sleeping in his room to prompt the desired behaviour, but he was no where near ready to night train and much better than washing sheets.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She's 2.5 put her back into night nappies until she's ready, forcing the issue is just cruel not to mention the more you force it the worse it will get. Be happy that she's day trainednigjt trained is a lot harder. Their little bodies just aren't ready to go a whole night nor does it give the signals for her to wake up to pee.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't push it. Night dryness is down to a hormone release (ADH) which doesn't activate until sometimes age 7 or 8. She's still very little. Put her back in night nappies.

Anon Imperfect Mum

2 of my kids were night time trained before daytime at 2.5 years of age, don't listen to people telling you she's too young! Obviously she's capable if she was already doing it. Maybe you could do a reward chart for her, in the meantime let her pick out some pull ups to wear to bed. No punishments, just positives for dry nights

Anon Imperfect Mum

My little boy was fully toilet trained at the same age. Hes now 4 and still in pull ups at night. Hes just not been ready. We are about to start night time training as the last couple of weeks hes started to acknowledge for the first time when hes wet his pull up and has been asking to wear jocks to bed.
