How do I help my daughter

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I help my daughter

Hey sisters!
My 13yr old daughter has been showing signs of depression for a few months now. When she first told me that she wasn't feeling herself, I took her to see the doctor straight away, hoping that she might talk to him so I could understand better why she was feeling the way she does, so I could help her. At the doctors she just sat there with her head down and hardly said a word. She won't eat at school, she has dinner at home, she says she has trouble sleeping and last night I found out she's been cutting herself. I feel like I have failed her, I can't stop crying. My beautiful, loving, funny, crazy daughter hates herself. I asked her if there was something that may of happened to her (I was praying the answer was no) and all she said was the kids at school pick on her every day. She's in year 8. Should I talk to her about changing schools? I know I need to take her back to the doctor too. I just wish I could make her see she's amazing and I can't live without her. I hardly slept last night as I'm scared she's going to go to far and I'll wake up to the worst. I just want my happy baby girl back.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Teenagers

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think she might talk if you werent in the room, maybe even guarantee her that its totally confidential, she can choose what to share with you. The important thing is she has someone to talk to, just for her.
I think what you could do is help her with general wellbeing, taking care of herself, putting things into action in daily life. Does she have a hobby outside of school, something she could make other friends and do to enjoy and boost her own sense of self, also the benfits of yoga, or meditation, massage, bubble baths, doing nice things for yourself. She might benefit from setting up a big sister type connection, someone older who will just like her and be nice to her and guide her and if its in the school they will stand up for her and be a safe place she can go.
I think what you can do is talk to her about moving, talk to her school and Also give her a week or two off right now while you sort it out, she needs a break.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Definitely back to the doctor for a mental health care plan, and referral to a psychologist.

Talk to your daughter in regards to school. It might take a while to get to the bottom of it. Some people with mental health issues think everyone is picking on them, some have low resilience so if someone is mean to them it's the worst. Other situation is she may genuinely be being picked on.

Make an appointment with the school counsellor to discuss issues too.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Find a nice female doctor and get a mental health plan. Some teenage girls find male doctors intimidating. Get your doctor to refer her to mental health professionals that deal with teenagers. Try headspace or somewhere similar. Not school councillor they are not qualified to deal with this. Talk to her more in depth does she want to change schools. I have told my daughter after we had been through something similar if she need to talk come tell me and ill take her for a walk or for coffee somewhere just the 2 of us. There is nothing more heartbreaking then seeing one of your babies hurting and struggling sending you both lots of healing love. First step female doctor xoxo
