How to help my partner

Anon Imperfect Mum

How to help my partner

What can I do?
Trigger Warning

My partner recently discovered his family member had committed suicide. None of his family were there to witness this. I was present but didn’t see much as my partner sent me away as soon as he saw.

We have just got to a good spot after having a baby and dealing with him having cancer and going through chemo.

Now we have this.

How can I help him? His work has given him a week paid leave and has offered him over the phone councilling. He has had one phone call with them and is due for another in a week.

He is very open and honest with me. But I don’t know how to help. He hasn’t slept in days. He keeps saying that he cannot get the images or his family members face out of his mind. He wants to know why and he won’t move on until he does. He hasn’t cried yet though.

We are surrounded by support and love from both our families. And obviously I have told him that I am here for him in any way and he is aware of that.

But what else can I do. I feel useless

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Men's Business, Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

So sorry, I think your husband needs to speak to his GP. Counselling over the phone is helpful but he probably needs a full mental health care plan.
I'd also organise a mental health care plan for yourself.

Supporting someone is hard and so you need to look after yourself so you can look after everyone else.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am so sorry, my husband lost his best friend to suicide and it is something that never leaves them. It's so important to get help and ways to cope with the horrible images. The police might be able to assist with finding a counsellor to do so as he was on the scene to witness it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you're in Victoria, contact Support After Suicide
The website also has contact details for other states...

They have really helped me
