
Anon Imperfect Mum


Hi IM’s
I think I already know what I need to do, I guess maybe I’m looking for some encouragement, support, I don’t know...
I have a 3 week old gorgeous baby boy.
I’m currently breastfeeding him, and quite successfully. My first born I never had success with and couldn’t continue, so I have been enjoying this time so much.
Now some background...
I have a neurological condition that requires a certain medication. I had to stop the medication a week prior to our planned c-sec, and I was supposed to start it again a few days after baby was born.
But taking this medication means I can’t breastfeed.
I managed to negotiate with my specialist, and he agreed to let me stay off the meds for a little bit longer, as long as if any symptoms started developing that I was to go back on the medication straight away.
Everything was going swimmingly until 3:30 this morning when some symptoms returned (blurred vision)
I have already been down the path of a different medication, I’ve spoken to other doctors as well as my specialist at length, but there is nothing else out there that does the same thing as this particular med.

My symptoms are quite unknown. Specialists aren’t sure what they mean, or if my vision might just go away one day and not come back.

I’m absolutely shattered. I know I need to stop breast feeding and restart my medication, but I’m feeling so much guilt for having to stop. And at the same time I’m so damn angry at my body (and my brain) for failing me.

My partner is so supportive. He wants me to go back on the medication, but has promised to support me if I decide to stay off a little longer.

I know what I need to do, I’m just struggling to bring myself to do it...

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Start the medication ASAP. Your long term health for yourself and your family is far more important than breastfeeding.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Well done for making it this far. Your baby has gotten the colostrum, which is the important stuff. There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. Your baby needs you. Me personally I would go back on the medication and buy formula. There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. Well done mumma

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think if you asked an adult child would they have preferred to be breast fed or have a mum who is as healthy as she can be, your child would say healthy mum, every single time.
I know it’s hard when we want to do everything right but I promise your baby is going to be fine, it’s time to look after you. It’s the best thing for baby in the long term.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go on the medication :) if you want your boy breastfed I'd look into donor milk. If you're in Vic I have a tonne of milk stashed away!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go on the medication :) if you want your boy breastfed I'd look into donor milk. If you're in Vic I have a tonne of milk stashed away!

Natassja Lewis

Ur Bub needs a healthy mum more than anything - I know it’s hard to stop breastfeeding, but he will still flourish beautifully! If u haven’t already, I would start giving him a bottle or two just to make sure he is happy to take one. U don’t want to be in a situation where u absolutely have to stop and go on medicationonly to find he won’t take a bottle!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't feel bad!
As others have said, your long term health is a priority, I have some neurological issues myself so I know how stressful it can be, the fact your neurologist has found medication that helps is really positive 😊

Be proud you got to breast feed for this time, you've given your baby a wonderful start to life and he will continue to thrive on formula. Don't beat yourself up, we as mums have enough to worry about without adding extra guilt to our loads (especially when these things are beyond our control).

I'm kind of over the pressure new mums feel to breast feed, the whole "breast is best" thing. It's not always the case, sometimes formula is best, sometimes a combination of both is best. If your baby has a full tummy, you're doing a cracking job!
