Checking child's progress with teachers.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Checking child's progress with teachers.

Hi IM's,
How often do mums talk to their child's primary school teacher about their child's progress?
I will generally go in once a term (usually mid term) as well as the two designated teacher/parent interviews a year. I used to check in more often, but have become reluctant as I am always met with negativity in regards to my child and never anything positive.
I just wanted to know what the 'norm' is.
Ps. To all the teachers out there, please please when a parent comes to you to see how their child is, always add something positive about the child into the update. It's such a horrible feeling only hearing everything that is 'wrong' with your child. Every child has something wonderful about them.

Posted in:  Education

12 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My child was the difficult one, so every single week. I also used to book in extra parent teacher interviews/meetings so more like once a term.
I think the teachers really appreciated it, and because I was really checking in, they knew I was working hard to help my son, and make there life easier. Also I started hearing a lot more positive stuff.
I'd also email the teacher anything that I felt would help them, eg moving house, so they knew to expect more difficult behaviour ect.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I get you.
Last year was my youngest child's first year of school. The first 6 months were good, then we met a dramatic decline. My daughter started developing serious anxiety and toileting issues - almost every afternoon her teacher would seek me out and tell me all the negatives (never offered advice or helpful solutions mind you), it got to the point where the teacher would actually call me to discuss and come collect my daughter because she didn't want to deal with it. By the end of the year I was so over it and the teacher barely hid her dislike for us.
Anyway, this year (all issues disappeared like magic funnily enough) I speak to the teachers very rarely. If there's a serious enough problem they'll seek me out. I go to parent teacher meetings, if I feel there's an issue I'll bring it up but other than that - that's it!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Original poster here. That is horrible, your poor darling daughter. I'm glad things are much better now.
The thing is, his teacher never ever seeks me out. No emails/letters/phone calls. I would be none the wiser if 'I' didn't approach his teacher. But when I do approach her, it seems nothing my child does is 'good enough'.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you, I'm glad things are better too xx
Sounds like his teacher is more nit picking to me, it can't be too serious if they only bring to your attention after you ask, I'd cut contact back a bit too! I don't really have any other advice other than I hope you get a better teacher next year lol.

Good luck!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am a teacher aide and I agree with saying something positive about the students. There is ALWAYS something positive, no matter how small.
Generally we get parents check in a few times a term or just come to parent-teacher meetings, which is fine. Occasionally we will get parents who check in every week or more which makes it hard as that isn't really enough time to say what progress the child has made from the last time they asked. Sometimes there are parents who never check in, never attend parent-teacher meetings and never go to school events. I think a good balance is a few times a term just like you are doing.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you lovely, and thank you for all the hard work you and all the other teachers aides do. Teachers aides ROCK!
I would definitely be more inclined to check in with my childs teacher if I was met with a bit more positivity. I actually feel anxiety and sick to my stomach at the thought of asking how my child progressing :(

Anon Imperfect Mum

Aww thank you!
That sucks you are feeling that way, you shouldn't have to feel sick to your stomach asking how your child is going! I am so sorry to hear that :( I hope things change for you soon. Perhaps a talk with the principal might be in order if you wish to take it further.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like a big communication problem. Teachers are happy to update parets daily ifthey check in or have a particular issue, and they understand some parents work and are not there and work on opening other forms of communication and involvement.
Perhaps next time put it back onthe teacher and ask them why they havent contacted you to discuss this, and that youre more than willing to meet or open a line of communication, because a one off check in should definitely be balanced.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The teacher see's me regularly, we exchange friendly 'hi's', I am approachable if need be. As I've mentioned above, it is only when I have approached the teacher that any communication is had. I have never been seeked out, called or emailed. But thank you for your advice.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes I understood that, which is why I say to call them on it. Ask them why they havent approached you and what they intendto do. Hold them accountable for communication and if theres a problem -following it up.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you for your advice. I will try that approach.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am a teacher in a Special School. I am available to parents every morning and afternoon as well as writing daily in each student’s communication diary re the successes each child has had that day plus photos. I have 4 scheduled parent/teacher interviews (one per term) a year and parents are invited into my classroom throughout the year to share in their child’s learning experiences. The teachers at my school are VERY careful with how we word things to our parents as you could say 10 positives to 1 negative and you can guarantee the parent will dwell on the negative. Teachers are like doctors and need a certain bedside manner and empathy while addressing any negatives which when addressed can be turned into positives 😀
