Has anyone gone/returned to uni in their late 40's and successfully found employment when they gratuated? The reason I ask, is that it seems so many uni grads are struggling to find jobs in their chosen field these days and I am wondering if it would be a waste of time committing to a 3 year degree only to end up in the exact position I am now - unable to get a job but with a HECS debt. I have been a SAHM for the past 15 years and for the last 2 years have been actively trying to get back into the workforce without any success. I live in a regional area (150kms from Brisbane) and there isn't a lot of work here unfortunately. With another year just about over, I feel like I am wasting my time searching for jobs which aren't there or who don't want to employ a 48 year old woman who hasn't worked in over a decade. I currently don't have any formal qualifications as I left school at the end of year 11 and got an office job and worked my way up but after 15 years out I am finding no one is interesting in employing me. Have any other ladies gone to uni later in life and been successful in getting a job in their chosen field?
11 Replies
Why not look into TAFE courses instead? I know a few older people who have gotten jobs after completing a TAFE course.
TAFE is just too expensive. Even with concession (we are a low income family) we couldn't afford it. I don't qualify for a government funded course because I already have a Cert 3, which is next to useless. Most courses now cost over $2K with concession. Our local TAFE doesn't offer anything I want to study anyway.
Really...all the courses I've done through TAFE have been cheaper than the uni ones.
They are but you don't have to pay upfront with Uni. A Cert IV in Bookkeeping is nearly $6K ($2300 concession) and there is no payment plan available. Even doing a Diploma In Accounting will set me back $3K upfront with the balance ($10k) to paid if/when I get a job (similar to HECS). We just don't have the funds to pay for anything upfront and unless I update my skills I doubt I will get a job especially at this age. Its a catch 22 :(
Oh :(
Different poster.
Actually OP if you do a diploma you can opt for a hecs debt through Tafe. That’s how I’m doing my diploma.
Not any more unfortunately. From January this year you now need to pay a set amount upfront for most Diplomas and the balance can be by the VET/Fee Help System. This was introduced to stop the rorting in the Private Vocational Sector.
Bullshit. I started in August.
She is right. I have just enrolled in the Diploma of Accounting at Tafe in Qld. Cost is $8060 but I have to pay $1630 of that upfront and VET will cover the balance. Tafe is no longer an alternative for a lot of people due to cost.
Well I didn’t have to pay anything up front. Speak directly to the tafe and the coordinator for that subject.
So worth it, if you do nursing or teaching you could just go on the casual roster, but even if you don't work in the field, you will have accomplished a degree!! that raises the outcomes for your kids too, increases their chances of getting a degree and a higher income job.