Hospital malpractice


Hospital malpractice

Hi ladies, I could use some advice. We recently had a surprise pregnancy. Although I was a bit taken aback and concerned because of the craziness that followed our last labour and child over 4 years ago, we were kind of excited. This was a bit of a gift that we were not willing away and being in my 40s, this sprite was getting in before the door closed.

Just at 6 weeks I started to spot old blood. I looked it up and it was nothing to necessarily panic about. I checked in with my GP who said to just get another scan in at some point soon as the dating scan I'd been a week earlier had only shown the gestational sac so we needed to check the fetal pole and yolk sac were there yet but basically not to worry. I went in to the ER when the bleeding didn't ease off and had bloods taken to establish a base point for my pregnancy hormone and had a scan. Heart beat was there and all looking good. Told not to worry, old blood is common.

Here's the problem, I'm RH negative and at no time was I advised or given an anti D injection. I had never had bleeding in any of my pregnancies before so I didn't even think to ask. (I'd had them after each labour but didn't really know what it was all about to be honest. Just that it was important.) The bleeding stopped for about 12 hours after the scan. Then the fresh blood started. I went for more bloods 2 days after the first ER visit and by the next day when my husband had researched the subject and came across the anti D information that at the first sign of blood to get an injection.

I went to the ER the next day and they confirmed we were losing the baby. When I admitted myself in and told the receptionist that I thought I might need an anti D injection, she looked at my chart and mentioned I should have had one when I first came in.

They took final bloods and my GP confirmed the following day that I had lost the baby and it would soon pass and that it was because my eggs were old. (I'm 45). She was looking pretty sheepish to be honest and I wondered whether she should have mentioned something when I started bleeding. I was in shock though and making excuses for it though and how I'm sure it would be better for us and it was just meant to be. I feel bad about that.

So, hubby is angry. It's now dawning on me that I'm actually pretty pissed about this too. It only happened last month. Do you just let this go or do you write to someone and say "hey, get your practices right because it shouldn't take my very unqualified husband to work this out for you and tell you what needs to be done"? Would anyone listen? We're in the process of preparing to try again now with some naturopathic help. Do I forget all about what we just went through and hope that we get one more chance? I'm heartbroken for us.

Thanks for your time ladies.

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


Honestly I think you are grieving the loss of the pregnancy and so are hyper focusing on the injection. Every single person in the world makes mistakes, even doctors and to be honest the doctor already knows.
It didn't make any difference to the outcome of the pregnancy.

Be really careful with going down the road of a naturopath. I know you are looking for hope. Just go in with your eyes wide open.


There are ways to make s complaint about the treatment you received that doesn’t involve litigation. It’s important that they realize that procedures need revision or people need retraining.

Call the doctors surgery and ask to speak to the Practice Manager. Explain that you would like to make a formal complaint and they have to explain to you their procedure. They MUST have a complaints policy, it’s a legal requirement.

Then contact the hospital and speak to the Patient Liason/Outcomes officer and do the same thing.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing you all the best.


I’m so sorry for your loss
Reading your story is almost like reading what I’m going through at the moment but I’m thankful that the second doctor I saw told me to have the anti D injection.
I’d most definitely follow your case up because it was information you should have been told.
It may not have saved your little one but you never know.
Be kind to yourself and best of luck with trying again. I highly recommend acupuncture too to help with fertility.
Big love mumma
