How to make more milk quick


How to make more milk quick

Sorry I don’t know where else to ask anonymously... long story short I need to make milk and keep myself together. I’ve got a 10 week old ebf baby. I haven’t been able to eat for the past week and have been living on milk but her poos changing and I can’t afford formula because my husband just left me. Plus breastfeedings the only thing I’m good at. I have to keep it together because we’ve just found out our babies deaf. That’s okay there’s just lots to do and no time to lose the plot. I’m beyond devastated but I’ll be more upset if I can’t nurse her especially while she can’t hear me. Is there any quick tricks to make more milk wilthoug having to eat/drink heaps? I can’t stop feeling nauseous. Sorry

Posted in:  Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

7 Replies


You need to eat. If your not eating your milk isn’t full of nutrients...meaning it won’t fill up your baby.
Eat something small every few hours. Drink plenty of water.
If your milk doesn’t start thickening and filling up your baby you will need formula. Your baby can die from being malnourished. It’s a thing, so look after yourself so you can look after your baby.


It sounds like you're going through a really rough time. You need to eat and drink lots of water though - both for your own health and your babies. Just start with small amounts every couple of hours. Rest is the other important thing. You've got this x


Oh this sounds like a rough time for you.
Can you please see you GP for some support? If your nausea is anxiety based pushing through with eating small amounts is most likely appropriate. But it's a good idea to rule out a medical cause, like infection. You need to look after you so you can look after baby.
It's important bubs is fed. No matter what way. I know it's a tough time. It's a smart thing to start reaching out to some charities now, so you can have some formula just in case.
Good luck


You need to eat, but have you tried lactation cookies they may help alittle but without food your baby won't get the best of your milk. Being deaf is not a life sentence alot of children can get cochlear implants and I would start learning how to sign so you can teacher her how to communicate. All the best


What makes you think that you don't have milk or that your milk isn't good enough?
Breastmilk is easily digested. The frequency of how often baby wants to be breastfed isn't an indicator to how much milk you have. Nor is bowel movements, as many things can change that (baby might be upset by the amount of milk you say you've been drinking, for example, or could be changing with age, etc).
Keep an eye on wet nappies (even poop isn't an indicator as some breastfed babies can go a week without pooping because there's not much 'waste' as milk changes to suit your baby's needs) and weight gain.
It is important to eat, though. You need to consume am extra 500 pr so calories than normal, and drink more fluids.
Start with small, high calory snacks that are easy to grab (nuts, for example).
Book an appointment to see a Dr and start a mental health care plan.
Have your baby accessed by a child nurse or Dr or even a pediatrician, if you're worried. See a lactation consultant if you're worried about your milk.
Join the group 'breastfeeders in Australia' as the ladies there can be quite helpful.
And most importantly, take a deep breath. No one knows how to do this thing called parenting without making mistakes.
You'll get the hang of it.


Sorry, but no. You need to eat and drink plenty of water to produce breast milk. Even if it's just swap milk for 99¢ bread. You need to eat. (Milk is full of lactose which is horrible for a babies gut if they get too much. Turns their poo explosive green).
You need to get to a GP/child health nurse. And sort out your mental health.
Go to salvos and get shopping vouchers can purchase either food or formula with them.
Your baby needs a healthy milk supply. If you can't keep yourself nourished, you NEED to change that baby to formula. It would be totally irresponsible of you to deprive her from the nourishment she needs to grow because YOU don't want to give up BF.
Maybe if you can post your town, there might be some lovely IMs that could donate some formula. Aldi has very cheap, Australian made formula for $13 a tin. Coles sell a formula for around $14-$15. It's not expensive. (Don't buy expensive formula. It's EXACTLY the same as the cheaper stuff, except the name on the tin adds $10).


OK so many concerning things here.

1. You need to eat sweetheart, you need to reach out for some financial and emotional support. Get some good food into you and you will feel much better and you'll produce much better milk.

2. It makes me incredibly sad that your entire self worth comes down to your ability to BF. It's not true that it's the only thing you're good at, you are much more thank just a milk machine.

3. You don't have to keep it all together, you're allowed to feel stressed, worried and overwhelmed, you've got alot going on right now.

Please see your GP, tell them everything you've said here. Xx
