How did you cook your meat in pregnancy?


How did you cook your meat in pregnancy?

I ordered a well done steak last night but realised half way through eating that it was still a bit pink inside. Is this still ‘safe’?!

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


They do recommend that meat be cooked all the way through in pregnancy, one incident of it being slightly pink should be alright though.


I always had mine cooked Well Medium, because I cannot stand ruining a steak. I ate my steak like this the whole way through my pregnancy and now have a healthy 3 week old baby boy. I didn't eat it as often as I'd have liked though. I went for Chicken and fish a lot.


You are supposed to cook until no pink. I absolutely could not eat steak like this so still ate it rare😋. But I also limited my consumption of steak so it was probably once every 2 months that I did eat steak.
