How do you do it?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do you do it?

I’m currently pregnant with #2.
I’m so excited, we all are.
Yet the morning sickness.. I’m constantly in tears because my 2 year old is missing out on doing fun things and is pretty much watching TV most of the time because I’m vomiting or I can’t stand up for long periods or else I need to vomit and feel dizzy.
I feel like the worst mum in the world and I try to do stuff with her yet it ends up with me vomiting or feeling so sick I can’t move.
I feel like I’m failing my child, she watches so much TV lately all because I can’t do anything.
The house is semi cleaned to what I can do, but idk I just feel like the biggest failure and my daughters going to hate me all because all of a sudden we are stuck at home doing nothing.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I had chronic morning sickness with all 3 of my kids, bordering on HG.
It's absolutely debilitating but it's not forever.
Your daughter is only 2, this is such a short space of her life and she probably won't even remember it, so don't feel bad for only doing what you can do. Your health is important too!
Your daughter won't hate you and if the worst thing at the moment is that she's watching too much TV, then you are the furthest thing from a failure Hun. Life will get back to normal soon enough, you'll all adjust!

In the mean time, get hubby (him especially), a family member or a trusted friend to help you out more. Even if they take your daughter to the park for 20 minutes, swing by and do some washing etc anything helps.
